God bless you for taking your time to study.
Key Verse: Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Parents cannot guarantee that their children will become holy or stay in holiness. Why does your child need a smartphone? Do you know all the apps on your children’s phones? Do you know what social media websites they frequent? Do you know if they are on dating apps? Do you check the history of their websites? Do you know what music is on their playlists? Restricting their liberty may be a way of protecting their innocence because preserving their innocence will make their transition into holiness smoother. If they have not been initiated into anything devilish, they will not know the depths of Satan.
Knowing this, ensure you endeavor to protect their innocence. Do not trust that your children are innocent and holy. Do not turn your face from looking into their lives because you may be scared of what you might see. It is better that you solve these problems within your household. If you can resolve them, the church will be less burdened. The ministry of God will have time for other things because you would have done the work of a bishop in ensuring that your household is under subjection to the word of God. Have frequent bible studies in your household. Turn off the TV and open the scriptures.
Be approachable to your children so that they will feel free to expose themselves to you. Ask them questions. Enquire about them! Scan them! By so doing, you will be able to detect the spiritual level of maturity of your children. By so doing, you will know how to direct your prayers. The scriptures tell us to pray in the Spirit and also to pray with our minds. Let your mind be exercised in the things your children require. Ask them direct questions. Knowing answers to these questions will help you know for instance whether you should pray for forgiveness or whether you should pray for protection.
Thought for the day: There are great blessings in obeying God’s word
Song of the day: Make me holy (3x) O Lord…
Bible reading for the day: Joel; Revolution 4
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