May 31
Text: Acts 10:11-15, 34-35
Key verse: 2 Samuel 22:7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.
After the fall of man, God could have isolated mankind and damned him to the consequences of his sin but in His eternal love for man, He has continued to reveal Himself to people in various ways and for various reasons:
To save them in times of great need. We see His great deliverance manifested when Noah was saved from the flood, when Abram was called from idolatry to worship God and when Moses was called to save the Israelites from the land of bondage in Egypt.
To bring salvation. Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His Name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.
To destroy the works of Satan. 1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
To warn of future catastrophic events. Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.
God reveals Himself in diverse ways:
By Miracles. God revealed Himself through great and uncommon miracles in Scripture such as the burning bush, parting of the Red Sea, diverse miracles through Elijah and Elisha etc.
By Judgments. We see this in the lives of Pharaoh, Herod, Ananias, Sapphirah, etc.
By Dreams and Visions. Some dreams and visions bring revelation of God and His plans. Some need to be interpreted by God such as Joseph’s dream or Peter’s vision.
Thought for the day: The secret things belong to the Lord
Song for the day: Lord teach me Your way (2x), I want to know Your way…
Bible reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 1-3; John 12:1-19
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