For taking your time to study remain blessed.
May Sunday 24th
Text: 1Timothy 2:1-4
Key verse: 1Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
In case you are already saying, “Our leader has started making mistakes,” there is a voice asking you, “How many times have you prayed for him? When you saw that the mistake is becoming too much, how many times did you take it to God in fasting? Do you have right to complain?” Who among you is more righteous – the leader in his mistake or you the complainer? That is the question because the Bible says, “I exhort first of all that supplications and prayers be made.” It will wipe away backbiting and gossiping because if we can pray “we will lead a quiet and peaceable life with all godliness and honesty” and grace will flow from God to us, our leaders and the congregation.
Let us pray and see whether we will see people disagreeing and fighting with each other in the assembly of believers; whether we will have people who do not see eye-to-eye among us. The powers of those things will be broken and there will be love and peace. We need the spirit of prayer in the church to revive her and strengthen the brethren. I, Pastor Paul Rika, also need your prayer. Pray for me that utterance may be given unto me. Pray for every Christian leader. It is God that gives the utterance. Pray that when I mount the pulpit to preach there will be great revelation from scripture to scripture; that as the Lord puts the scripture in my hand, He will also put His word in my mouth. Pray that this work will prosper. If the Lord has said that He has chosen me for this work, support me through your prayers. You cannot afford to do nothing but stand in support of the truth. If my hands are strengthened in this work, the blessings will be for us all. When Moses’ hand was strong, the victory was for all Israel.
Our duty as prayer warriors is to always pray and not faint. Human frailty is universal but struggle against it. Rise up, pray and plead for more grace to pray. Rise up to do this prayer work. Take it as a duty for your life, your family, your ministry, and the church of Christ.
Thought for the day: Pray without ceasing for it is the duty of a believer.
Song for the day: Prayer is the key … Prayer is the master key
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 11-13; John 9:1-23
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