For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: 1 PETER 1: 3-16
Key verse: “That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such…” 1 Thessalonians 4:6.
Our today's study shall be taken from Delightful Revelation heaven. “So saying he said good-bye and disappeared among the chariots, and thousands who were leaving the martyrs' reunion. I now said to mother: It does seem a most blessed thing that there are no feelings of prejudice here toward anyone whom God sees fit to enter the gates. Oh, she said, we are here from every nation under heaven, all races, kindreds, tongues and people are here; and all are in the likeness of their Lord. While all retain a peculiar likeness to their former life. But see, David's chariot is coming. In a few moments we were seated with him and flying with great speed toward the city gate. We passed in at the gate of Manasseh and at last halted near the children's great polytechnic. Mother and Mary stepped out and I bade them good-bye for the present, saying, I hope to see you again soon, for David had said, I will take you on a flying trip through some of the leading avenues toward the throne, for I see your heart is in that direction and I have a commission to be your servant for a time. On we went through streets and avenues, flying at unmeasured speed. The light of the throne began to be luminous in the distance, even the trees lining the thoroughfares, somewhat like the trees for shade in earthly cities, seemed hanging with diamonds and rubies of glistening brightness and the mansions seemed literally studded with the same. We now came to a broad avenue leading toward the throne. Thousands of glorified saints, some walking, engaged in holy conversation, others in the chariots, with the joy and rest of heaven upon them, were going toward and from the throne. I now turned to David and said: While I am anxious to go on to the throne, I am very eager to see the dear bosom companion of my life, who I am told is detained in a distant place in paradise. Oh, said David, why did you not tell me while we were in paradise? We could have gone so quickly; but now I will turn the chariot, and go at once, for I know her well and she will be greatly pleased, and I myself will be greatly pleased in assisting you for this great pleasure trip, only go past the children's polytechnic and take mother and Mary. Most gladly indeed, said David. So with the speed of sound we were flying toward the great cathedral, and soon halted beside the gate.” Reader, let your life be guided and controlled by the word of God. You must make heaven in Jesus name, Proverb 3:5.
Thought for the day: Be part of glorified saints, with the joy and rest of heaven.
Song for the day: Give me grace to follow, abundant grace to follow...
Bible Reading for the day: Ezekiel 29-31; James 5
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