For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: ACTS 18:24-28
Key Verse: Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but
whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4
Marrying in
God’s will is a perfect union on earth. Christian marriage is very fulfilling.
It is based on God’s principles for the individual persons in the marriage and
for the two (husband and wife) as married couple in the home. It brings out
sweet oil in the ministry or in the service of God as expected of every
Christian family. Holy and pure marriage is a shining light and a model to the
world. Priscilla and Aquila in the book of Acts 18:26 were able to expose the
word of God appropriately to Apollos, this shows that those two were in
ministry together. The scriptures show that one will chase a thousand; two, ten
thousand. The Christians in marriage need to understand this principle of God
and apply it for better and effective ministry. The work of God in our days
does not need rancour and crises in the life of a man and his wife in other to
propagate the gospel of Christ in righteousness and in holiness.
Every true believer who is married is called into the ministry and
service of our Lord Jesus Christ one way or the other. In his or her vocation;
whether personal, Business, Government organization or church, God expects a
believer to represent Him there. Therefore the consciousness of the ministry
must be carried along side by side with that job or vocation –care must
therefore be taken by the man and his wife that Christ is seen in their lives
and Home. Holiness and Righteousness must be practice in their home so as to
show good example of the believer I Timothy 4:12-13 to children and neighbours
in character, and in word. The proper saying goes that the Family that prays
together stays together. The Family Altar is the number one target of the
devil. Once couples no longer pray together extensively the performance of such
family has been affected both in their endeavours and ministry. The Family
Altar is essential to keep and maintain the couple and the family intact.
Attention must be given to study of the word together in Fellowship. At home,
church and other places of sprit filled fellowship. This will develop the
couple and unite them in such a bond that cannot be penetrated by the devil or
external forces. We saw clearly the case of Priscilla and Aquila who gave
themselves to study of the word that is why they could reprove, teach, correct
and enhance the knowledge of others in the word. The word of God builds you for
you to build others.
Thought for the day: Couples who are devoted to God’s word are useful instruments for
the Lord.
Song for the day: My wife shall be a blessing, my children around my table….
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