For taking your time to study remain blessed
Key Verse: “Then Peter and the other apostles answered
and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29
Wives are commanded in scripture to obey and submit to their own
husbands in everything as the church obeys and submits to Christ. The headship
of the husband, even the unbelieving one, over the wife, is compared to the
headship of Christ over the church. The submission of the wife to her husband
should be in the same degree as the submission of the church to Christ. The
Christian wives should obey and submit to their unbelieving husbands to the
point that some of them can become converted by observing the godly and
unblemished life of their wives.
However, the submission by the wife to her husband should be “as
it is fit in the Lord”. Submission to the husband does not involve satisfying
his sinful passions or obeying his ungodly demands and commands. The husband is
not the owner of her soul but God and she is nowhere instructed to jeopardize
her eternal life in order to maintain the earthly marriage union. As the 3
Hebrew children answered king Nebuchadnezzar, so must a Christian wife humbly
but firmly answer her husband when he goes evil in demand and exercise of
authority over her. The marriage relationship and its earthly privileges should
be despised when the husband demands submission of the wife to his idols and
Satan. God is able to keep her in the marriage if He so wishes. She must not
lose her soul to hell because of the fierceness of her husband. If God chooses
not to preserve her in the marriage, she should be ready to terminate the
marriage for the sake of her Lord Jesus and her eternal soul, not minding
whatever she may suffer.
Thought for
the day: Submission
to the ungodly and sinful demands of your husband is idolatry.
Song for the
day: Jesus must be honoured, must be honoured (2x) in my life everyday
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