For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: MATTHEW 24:36-42
Key Verse: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” Peter 3:10.
Jesus is confirming the event that happened in the days of Noah. Jesus is saying here that what you heard that happened in the days of Noah was true. Indeed, there was a man called Noah, who lived at the time the world reached its pick in iniquity and corruption. And this man was righteous, holy and he conducted his family in the fear of God. What Jesus was saying was, there was a time righteousness and fear of God was reduced in the whole world to just a family. That is what the Lord Jesus wants you to know. It is important for you to know this, to be awake to the fact that it has started again. It may come to rest only in a family. O Lord, Holiness Revival Movement is that family in Jesus name. Amen. That is our prayer. The message of mercy that was going on was the Lord will destroy the world with water. So, people should repent and come to the ark that God has instructed Noah to build. No remedy, God’s patient over the world has finished, He was to take judgmental action but in case anybody would hear, He pointed to the ark under Noah’s construction. Come up there. And for one hundred and twenty years Noah was in construction of the ark and preaching this gospel of righteousness and holiness, for it was vanished from the earth that even preaching could not revive it. But it rested in a family of Noah. The days of Noah are here again with us. The world of humanity has reached its pick of corruption and wickedness. God’s judgment is determined over the political world, the commercial world, and the religious world. And now in our time the ark is in the building, the Lord is building the ark through His own people. God is building the ark of safety for the remaining few who are interested in God and heaven. For humanity have removed their interest, is this few that the Lord is building this ark for. For human salvation is the gospel of truth, righteousness and holiness. This is only the region of safety no other place. The people are adamant; they are rebellious and mocking. Eventually only few shall be saved from the eternal destruction that is coming upon the world and this few must enter the ark, they will enter into the truth, righteousness and holiness. There is no other way to be saved from God’s eternal judgment but truth, righteousness and holiness. This is the ark.
Thought for the day: Righteousness and holiness is reducing globally to the hands of very few.
Song for the day: When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 38-39; 1 Peter 4
TEXT: MATTHEW 24:36-42
Key Verse: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” Peter 3:10.
Jesus is confirming the event that happened in the days of Noah. Jesus is saying here that what you heard that happened in the days of Noah was true. Indeed, there was a man called Noah, who lived at the time the world reached its pick in iniquity and corruption. And this man was righteous, holy and he conducted his family in the fear of God. What Jesus was saying was, there was a time righteousness and fear of God was reduced in the whole world to just a family. That is what the Lord Jesus wants you to know. It is important for you to know this, to be awake to the fact that it has started again. It may come to rest only in a family. O Lord, Holiness Revival Movement is that family in Jesus name. Amen. That is our prayer. The message of mercy that was going on was the Lord will destroy the world with water. So, people should repent and come to the ark that God has instructed Noah to build. No remedy, God’s patient over the world has finished, He was to take judgmental action but in case anybody would hear, He pointed to the ark under Noah’s construction. Come up there. And for one hundred and twenty years Noah was in construction of the ark and preaching this gospel of righteousness and holiness, for it was vanished from the earth that even preaching could not revive it. But it rested in a family of Noah. The days of Noah are here again with us. The world of humanity has reached its pick of corruption and wickedness. God’s judgment is determined over the political world, the commercial world, and the religious world. And now in our time the ark is in the building, the Lord is building the ark through His own people. God is building the ark of safety for the remaining few who are interested in God and heaven. For humanity have removed their interest, is this few that the Lord is building this ark for. For human salvation is the gospel of truth, righteousness and holiness. This is only the region of safety no other place. The people are adamant; they are rebellious and mocking. Eventually only few shall be saved from the eternal destruction that is coming upon the world and this few must enter the ark, they will enter into the truth, righteousness and holiness. There is no other way to be saved from God’s eternal judgment but truth, righteousness and holiness. This is the ark.
Thought for the day: Righteousness and holiness is reducing globally to the hands of very few.
Song for the day: When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 38-39; 1 Peter 4
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