God's blessing shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.
Th mye Door Of Prayer
Monday 17th February
Text: Jeremiah 29: 11-12
Key verse: Therefore I say untlo you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24.
The Lord has placed many of life’s blessings, treasures and grace in the house of prayer. “My house shall be called the house of prayer” Matthew 21:13. These blessings are in store for you and for others that are with you. God gives them to you in proportion to your faith and prayer. Did you see how through prayer the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha? Indeed, this grace is there for you. The wisdom and knowledge of God are in store for you. He has kept good and precious things for you, but they are in the house of prayer. You are important in the sight of God. He has a plan for your life. He puts it in the house of prayer and said you should pray, and He will hear you. Just open your mouth and pray. Ask Him for the blessings of this life. He will give them to you. Ask Him for sanctification and holiness of heart and He will do it for you. Ask for baptism with the Holy Ghost. Ask for grace for service, ask for eternal life, ask for healing, deliverance and prosperity. He has put these things in the store house of prayer for you. Ask, believe and receive them.
You are exhorted to pray without ceasing, to pray always, to ask, seek and knock, to watch and pray, to pray persistently, to pray in the Holy Ghost, to pray and intercede for all the saints. Fasting goes with prayer at times. You are also to pray in agreement with others. Join the congregation to pray. This is one of the secrets of having God's presence, grace and blessings. It keeps you victorious over sin, self and Satan. It makes you strong in your Christian life and effective in the Christian service. If you do not pray, you will not receive from God and your desires will perish. You will become spiritually weak, carnal and defeated in life. Where does the carnality, the envying and jealousy we are seeing come from? Where does the pride, boasting, struggle and pushing of people down coming from? The Bible says you have not been able to get it because you have not exercised yourself in prayer.
Thought For The Day: Make prayer a part of your Christian life and commitment.
Song For The Day: Prayer is the key (2x) prayer is the master key, Jesus started…
Bible Reading For The Day: Numbers 25-26
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