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Get Rid Of Anger
Thursday 6th February
Text: Ephesians 4: 26 – 27
Key verse: Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. Ecclesiastes 7: 9.
Anger is a natural feeling of pain and displeasure, arising from the heart against a person for a bad action or against a bad circumstance. Anger has a high tendency to cause people to sin and defile a holy person. The emotion of anger seeks to take over the reasoning and demands immediate action. Be careful of the thoughts you allow into your mind; the words you allow through your mouth and the actions you take when you are angry. Ask yourself the following questions whenever you are angry: “Am I right to be angry at this person or circumstance? Am I not truly at fault? Am I not misunderstanding issues here? Have I gathered sufficient facts on this matter? Is this person actually wrong? Is this circumstance unfavourable?” You need these self-examining questions, because many decisions and actions taken in anger often prove foolish later. Take this scriptural warning seriously.
If you are justified for your anger because the person has actually provoked you, or the situation truly warrants your anger, the scripture gives the next instruction: "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath", Ephesians 4: 26. That means, do not allow a prolonged state of anger in your heart because Satan will take over and work death by it. Seek to resolve the issue quickly through scriptural rebuke, correction, and righteous instruction. Settle with your opponent quickly, where possible, and try to follow peace with all men everywhere, every time. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:" Hebrew 12 verse 14.” Take the person or circumstance to God for His intervention, advice, and comfort. If you have a problem with anger, seek the face of God in sincere and constant prayer for your salvation, sanctification, and holiness. Be good at forgiveness. Commit everyone who offends you to God and ask Him for the grace to forgive them. God will give you sufficient grace daily for a righteous and holy life.
Thought For The Day: Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry
Song For The Day: Make me holy (3x) Oh Lord…
Bible Reading For The Day: Leviticus 26-27
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