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A Call To Preach The Gospel Personally
Friday 21st February
Text: John 1:40-42,45,46;
key verse: Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. Acts 8:35
Personal evangelism must not be ignored. It is ever the way of getting people to Christ. Go out and talk to people personally. Go out, and minister to people. As people come to you, always say a word of the gospel to them. I am talking to passionate soul winners, sons and daughters of the living God, who know that God left them in this world for the purpose of shining as light and showing people the way to Jesus. Personal evangelism involves morning, afternoon and evening cry. Early in the morning, you get up and move round in the neighbourhood preaching and telling them to accept Jesus, the Savior of their soul. Many shall hear you and repent and turn to Christ. In your personal evangelism, you can be involved in live preaching through the use of public address system. You can also use CDs or DVDs and put the message in a radio set or disc player and place it in your neighbourhood. As it is playing early in the morning, or afternoon, or in the night, the people that are in that environment are listening to the word of God. They are listening to the true teachings of God's word. Those of them who do not go to Church will find Church in that house.
Another way in personal evangelism involves giving Bible, Tracts, and goodly Christian novels to people. Commit yourself to procuring Christian literature and tracts for distribution among men. Send these materials far and near. The gospel material to be distributed must carry the true gospel of righteousness and holiness. Get goodly Christian material for all your relations and friends. Pledge to put these materials in their hands and to do your best for them while you live, so that if they die in sin and go to hell, they will not point accusing finger at you. By this means you can pass the gospel to your neighbours. If you cannot speak, these materials will speak for you. If you cannot go out, these materials will go everywhere for you.
Thought For The Day: Preach by giving out bibles, tracts, and good Christian books.
Song For The Day: Who will tell them that Jesus died for sinful world?
Bible Reading For The Day: Deuteronomy 1-2
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