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Nourish And Cherish Your Body Thursday 27th February
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:21-24
Key verse: And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Thessalonians 5:23.
Your physical body, that is your flesh, is the one that covers you. Teach your body to know and understand what this means. Your physical body is indispensable; praise the Lord for it. The Bible says that you should preserve that body. God is willing to get that body preserved. Many died before their time because they did not care for the body. They never gave attention to the well-being of their body. God is interested that your body be preserved blameless, without sickness, damage or any condition that can make it prevent your soul and spirit from God’s full worship and service.
A damaged or sick body can make you die early or inhabit your spirituality. Do not hate your body. Do not do any evil to your body. Nourish your body and feed it well. Clothe your body. Eat good and balanced diet, and anything that is good to the body, to make it healthy and sound, to remove pain and sickness from it. Keep your body healthy. Prosper in health, cherish that body and nourish it. Do not be careless over it. Do not expose that body to danger. Do not expose that body to damage. Keep it well. Keep it healthy. God wants it so.
Although, the spirit is the one that gets born again, in order to live in this world, the body is very essential. It can end-up the activities of your spirit and send your spirit and soul back to eternity, if you do not care for it well. Please care for your body, because life is in the blood. Your body contains your life on earth. Avoid risky businesses that may bring ill-health to your body and affect your performance later in life. There are some businesses that will give you asthma, Arthritis, Rheumatism and various cancers. It may not show in your body now, but later, it will show and will make you want to blame God over your impaired health and inabilities. Check it up now.
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