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Revelation Of Heaven And Hell By Sister Linda (3): Entrance Into Hell
Text: Psalm 9:16-20
Friday 14th February
Key verse: The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9: 17
I discovered that the dark entrance was the entrance to hell. Suddenly, fearful looking demons rushed at us to drag us forcefully into hell. Anywhere you go, whether heaven or hell, they will welcome you. When you enter heaven, the angels sing songs and blow their trumpets, and Jesus will be happy to see you. On the other hand, when you go to hell, the demons will welcome you and say, “We will torture you here, disobedient children.” A demon came out and grabbed my hand. I shouted, and he pushed me and was dragging me into that dark place. The fingernails of the demon were so sharp that they pierced my bone as he dragged me forcefully into that dark tunnel.
When we entered hell, the heat was so much that my body began to peel. I thought I was sleeping or having a nightmare. I didn’t want to believe that I was Linda nor face the reality that I was in hellfire. My body was peeling from the heat. It was a horrible, and terrible place. I was shocked! “Where am I? What is this? What am I seeing? God, please help me. What is going on? Please somebody help me.” Oh, Jesus! I started calling Jesus. I began to cry for water though I had just entered there. Instantly, my throat was dry. I wondered where I was. “Am I dreaming?” I shouted, “JESUS! Have mercy on me. Father, please take me out of here! O Jesus, help me.”
At this point, the demon opened his mouth and spoke with a big voice saying, “Linda, you are dead and are now in hell.” When I say demon, I mean a huge, muscular beast. The demon was very fearful to behold. It had horns and a tail. Whether they are animals or what, you don’t know. Wickedness could be clearly seen on their faces. There is no possibility of fighting them or running away. Where is even the road? Where is the entrance? Everywhere was dark. Fire burning all over. The demon said, “Linda, you are dead and are now in hell. I will torture you for the evil things you did without knowing.”
Thought For The Day: People are crying bitterly in hell
Song For The Day: Remember me O God, Remember me in Your kingdom
Bible Reading For The Day: Numbers 16-18
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