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Prophecy From Azusa Revival Fulfilled By HOREMOW
Text: Acts 15:18
Saturday 22nd February
Key Verse: Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalms 119:89
One hundred years old prophecy from Azusa revival: The Azusa revival led by William Seymour, was a great revival that took place in America. It began on April 9, 1906 as Seymour and seven men were waiting on God. Suddenly, as though hit by a bolt of lightning, they were knocked down from their chairs and the other seven men began to speak in tongues and shout out loud praises unto God. The news quickly spread; the city was stirred; crowds gathered; and a few days later, Seymour himself received the Holy Ghost baptism.
Services were held outdoors to accommodate the crowds as people fell down under the power of God and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit, the sick were healed, and sinners were saved. The revival was characterized by spiritual experiences accompanied with testimonies of physical healing, miracles, worship services and speaking in tongues. The members of the mission never took an offering but there was a receptacle near the door for anyone who wanted to support the revival.
When the revival began to wind down about 1910, there were some prophecies from Azusa, of things that will happen to the Pentecostal Movement. They predicted the apostasy of the Pentecostal Movement and the falling away of those who once believed: The overemphasis on power, instead of righteousness, an overemphasis on praise to a God they no longer pray to, and an overemphasis on the gifts of the Holy spirit, instead of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
In 1910, William Seymour stood up and said, “Hundred years from now, there will be a revival that will make this one look pale in comparison.” By 1913, the revival at Azusa had lost momentum, and most of the media attention and crowds had left by 1915. The Lord Jesus Christ raised up Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide about one hundred years later in 2009, as prophesied by William Seymour for the final revival before His return.
Thought For The Day: God is the Master planner, follow Him
Song For The Day: Oh Lord my God how excellent is your Name, in all the earth.
Bible Reading For The Day: Deuteronomy 3-4
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