God's blessings shall follow you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 4:15, 16
Key verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17 `Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
Many people have not understood what it takes to be a real Christian. To some to be a Christian is to be baptized with water. To others, it is to change the church. I asked someone whether he was born again. He told me he was. What he meant was that he had been baptized with water. Many people profess to be Christians but are sinners. Many are blinded by the spirit of the last days. There are people who have replaced cardinal doctrines of the Scripture with lies, yet obedience to these doctrines is essential for heaven. What shall be the end of those who replace the truth with lies?
Some teach that if you are baptized with water you are born again. Unlearned and ignorant preachers wrest the word of God and dilute it until it has no more effect on those who hear it. There are prosperity preachers who replace God with His blessings. They teach and stir people to receive the blessings of God but have nothing to tell them on how to please God and conform to the image of Christ. Because of material blessings, preachers prohibit their members from going to where they will learn the truth about God for fear that they may escape from their hands.
Christ imparts the holiness of God to the believer and enables him to live a new way of life. A child of God does not lie, lust, steal, commit immorality. The life of God in him is a life of holiness and righteousness. Many people have spotted the garment of righteousness given to them with worldliness, false doctrines, greed, pride, etc. Psalm 119: 30 "I have chosen the way of truth.” This means there is a way of error or falsehood. It takes determination to choose the way of truth, righteousness, and holiness. Many churches are founded on distorted scriptures. Through false interpretations of scriptures, their preachers and teachers replace Christ's truths with lies, to their destruction and the destruction of those who hear them. Except they repent and return to the truth they are on their way to hell.
Thought for the day: Beware of false doctrines and false teachers.
Song for the day: Onward Christian soldiers
Bible reading for the day: Amos 1-3; Revelation 5
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