God's blessings shall continue to follow you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: ACTS 9: 1-6
Key verse: Acts 24:6. And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards men.
Paul, also called Saul, had been well known as a fierce hater and persecutor of Christians until his supernatural encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ on the way to Damascus. Paul surrendered to Jesus and for three days, he fasted and prayed for guidance of God. He became a missionary with an extraordinary zeal for the spread of the gospel; evangelizing, teaching, conserving, discipling and mentoring generations of Christians by his letters. He touched many lives through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; God made him write many books of the Bible.
Paul worked with other apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ to spread the message of Christ. Paul worked directly with Barnabas, Silas and other disciples and indirectly with Peter, James and John who were elders and apostles in the early church. He mentored Timothy, Titus, Mark, Epaphras, Priscilla and Aquilla and many others in the Lord. Paul testified to both Jews and Gentiles alike at great personal cost, suffering untold perils, shipwreck, imprisonment and persecution including being beaten thrice with rods and stoned to death but the Lord revived him, strengthened and reinvigorated him to complete the divine assignment.
Paul was a tentmaker, and labored for his personal upkeep and to cater for those in his team. He learnt the hard way; in hunger and perils, not relying on members to meet his needs; not giving fake prophecies, not selling aprons and handkerchiefs or stealing God’s money. Paul remained unmarried all through his lifetime of sacrificial service that was marked by conversions, planting of churches, miracles, visions, revelations, healings, signs and wonders. Ultimately, he joyfully paid the supreme sacrifice for his unquenchable faith and allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ when he was beheaded in Rome by emperor Nero to be enlisted as a martyr.
Thought for the day: They that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
Song for the day: Paul and Silas, they prayed, they sang…
Bible reading for the day: Nahum 1-3; Revelation 13
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