Gods blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: LUKE 22:17-20
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 11: 26 “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till He come.”
The Lord Jesus Christ instituted the Lord's super and commanded that His disciples should keep on observing it until He returns. The bread represents His body that was offered on the cross for the salvation of humanity. The cup represents His blood that was shed for the forgiveness of sins of all who believe on Him. The early church observed the Lord's supper daily as their meeting was daily. Later we saw that in the church at Ephesus the Lord's super was observed weekly, in the first day of the week when the brethren assembled for worship. In first Corinthians, Paul wrote of the revelation Jesus gave to him directly on the observance of the Lord's Supper:
(1) Jesus celebrated it with His disciples. (II) Every believer should partake of it. (III) The purpose is to remind us of the sacrificial death of Christ. (IV) The body of Christ, the local church, should observe his rite often. (V) The often observance of this rite announces the sacrificial death of Jesus to all in the assembly. (VI) The Lord's Supper should be observed continually until He comes. (VII) Sinners and backsliders are not to partake in the Lord's Supper. (VIII) Self-examination is required of those who desire to partake of this rite. They must have right standing with God. (IX) Those who eat the Lord's Supper in sin will suffer divine judgment.
Although the time interval between one observance and the other is not fixed in Paul's letter to the Corinthians, the ceremony is to be observed often, regularly, frequently. Those Assemblies that do not observe the Lord's Supper at all or do so once in a long while have not submitted themselves to this clear scriptural instruction. Believers who live their Christian life without partaking of the Lord's Supper along with other members of the body of Christ are not totally submissive to the word of God. There is consequence on both the local church and the individual believer who disobeys this scriptural injunction.
Thought for the day: Every believer should partake regularly in the Lord's Supper.
Song for the day: The old rugged cross
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 96-98; Romans 12
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