God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
Key verse: Matthew 15:4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
Obey your father and mother in the Lord in matters that will bring joy and happiness to God, not in areas that God will be sorrowful and sad. For example, your father should not ask you to go and kill somebody or to go and marry someone else’s wife and you succumb to it. Neither should your mother ask you to go and steal, and you obey. That is not obedience to the Lord. God is not happy with such assignments and in such a case, you and your parents will be judged, because you have done wickedness. However, in matters of decency and right behaviour, obey them without hesitation. If you are told, to fetch water, wash plates, go on an errand and so on, that is good and acceptable in the sight of God. Make them happy by doing that, and they will bless you. But even if they refuse to or forget, God will bless you. If you continue in this manner, it shall be well with you in life and many death situations will be averted for keeping God’s commandment towards your parents.
He that beats up his father or mother is cursed. That child is wicked. Even if your father or mother abuses you or speaks evil against you or provokes you to anger, you must not curse them or raise your hand against them. It is an abomination. Assuming your father or mother decides to engage you in a fight, do not attempt to fight back. Respect and honour him or her in obedience to the divine commandment. If you fight back, the judgment that follows is eternal death unless you repent. The place God has placed your father and mother is far above you no matter how rich, educated, or enlightened you may be. God has put the blessings of life on children who are obedient to their parents as well as curses on those who are disobedient to their parents. The scripture makes it plain that parents are glad when their children behave well and are sorrowful when their children are stubborn.
Thought for the day: Make your parents happy for God to be happy with you.
Song for the day: Lord I want to be like Jesus inner my heart…
Bible reading for the day: - Psalm 109-111; Romans 16
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