God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: PSALM 119:57-64
Key verse: Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord.
Wives submit yourselves unto your husbands as unto the Lord. Some wives respect people and treat other men with great honor and humility, but the same respect is not extended to their husbands at home. The Bible says they should do the same to their husbands. Why do you love people outside more than your husband? Why are you obeying people outside more than your husband? Why do you submit to leadership; your boss in the office, even your pastor more than to your husband? Why do you deal cheerfully, lovingly with neighbors more than your husband? Make sure you submit to him, submit to him, and much more. Submit to your husband even more than you do others. Do not delay in obedience to your husband.
Does he need to call you five times before you respond? How many hired servants of my father have enough bread to eat and to spare; but see me here, I am suffering starvation. What brought me to this? It takes thinking to come to this understanding. Go over that matter again, and examine it in the light of scripture. Don’t you see your fault in it? Don’t you see the error in your way? Don’t you see things you would need to correct? Can you not really say, “That complaint over my life is correct?” Psalm 119:59 I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.
Show respect to your husband in the same way, don’t delay in answering his call, or in running errands he gives you. Paul is talking to a Christian sister, a believer, a born again, righteous and holy; not to sinners, so go above the level of sinners. He is not talking to new Christians who have just come learning the way; so, go beyond them for you have been there long. To the saints, not to carnal Christians, so go above them. That is the least God expects from you.
Thought for the day: Emulate Sarah who submitted to Abraham as her master.
Song for the day: My life shall be a testimony, testimony….to the glory of the Lord
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 79-81; Romans 8:1-18
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