God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study. TOPIC: TITHE DEFAULTERS ARE ROBBERS OF GOD TEXT: HEBREWS 3:7-13 TUESDAY AUGUST 1ST Key verse: Malachi 3: 89 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Many people do not understand why God says those who do not pay their tithe and do not give Him offerings are robbers. Yes, these are robbers because they deny men, women, and children the privilege of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ, hence, they rob God of His glory among men. More than just being robbers! {i} They are wicked because they do not pity fellow men on their way to destruction. {ii} They are selfish: because they think only of themselves and care not for other people around them. {iii} They are rebellious: because God gave them money and material possessions so that they would give back to Him for His glory, but they turn these things to their glory and reject the glory of God. {iv} They...
Daily devotional on horemow