God bless you for taking your time to study. TOPIC: BEWARE OF LOSING A GREAT MINISTRY TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 3-10 SUNDAY JANUARY 1st KEY VERSE: Revelation 3: 11, ‘Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.’ God has brought us into a great ministry. He has sought us out and brought us in His own divine way. We have to be careful not to lose the blessings of this great calling. We are here to render acceptable service for Him, and He will surely reward us for our service. There are those who nearly lost out, such as Jonah, Onesimus, the Levites at the time of Moses. These nearly missed the divine call and instruction, but were restored by the mercies of God, so that they could redeem themselves from destruction. Many people reject God due to carnal wisdom, impatience, emotional feelings, pressure of men etc. Though they are called by God, they failed, and begin to act like those who were not called, yet they ran. The grace of God recove...
Daily devotional on horemow