For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Text: Ephesians 5:22-24
Key verse: Ezekiel 18:4 Behold all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also is the soul of the son is mine; the soul that sinneth, it shall die
The wife is to submit to her husband as it is fit in the Lord (Colossians 3:18). A husband does not have absolute authority over the wife. Her body belongs to the man, but her soul belongs to God. If the wife submits to that man thinking she is doing God service while the husband is instructing contrary to the word of God, it is for the damnation of her soul. He is desecrating her soul and he has become an abomination before the Lord. It must be clearly understood that God is bigger than any man. If the man does not want the marriage again because the wife has submitted to the will of God, glory be to God; let it be so, because no marriage is eternal. That marriage may as well end now. Let every heady man calm down and know that he is a mortal being. The Hebrew boys told king Nebuchadnezzar, “We are not careful to answer you.” “We cannot bow to your idol simply because we are in your kingdom,” they would have reasoned: Did the king create any of the trees or animals in the kingdom? They refused to bow to his image in spite of the threat to their lives.
Why should the children of God allow marriage to cripple their lives? Why should they allow denominational authority to destroy their soul? Are they not aware that they are on their way to hell alongside their denominational emperor? Jesus said, they are going to hell and they want to make you twice a child of hell as they are. Jesus will not accept excuses from anyone that acts on the authority of their ungodly spouses or pastors. Have they resisted unto blood? The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force? Here are immoral, pretentious and hypocritical people who blatantly and unrepentantly hate the truth parading themselves as leaders who are not ready to seek the face of God to hear His counsel concerning any matter because they do not belong to Him. They neither hear the voice of God nor follow God in the revival of the end-time. Jesus is groaning and agonizing that His children have allowed Satan to take them away and He is now employing every method to kindle revival in this end-time in order to rescue the captives from the enemy. Why are these denominational lords not hearing His voice? They do everything to bring people in but use demons to block the door so that none could go out. You must resist them!
Thought for the day: Resist any authority that contends your soul with Jesus.
Song for the day: I am delivered praise the Lord....
Bible reading for the day: Nahum; Revelation 13
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