For taking your time to study remain blessed.
December Tuesday 15th
Text: Mark 16:14-16
Key verse: Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him, Jesus.
Though the world is full of darkness, evil and wickedness, Jesus says I am the light of the world. When you run to Him, He will shine His light upon you. He will be a light to your path and you will not stumble. The devil will mess up your life if you remained in his camp. You need to call on a higher power to rescue you. Jesus the Healer – every sickness will give way. Jesus the Deliverer – every chain will be broken. A person looking for a miracle without seeking for salvation is like a dog always looking for the crumbs that fall from the table. Tell them that Jesus loves the world. He came because God loves the world. Hell is not for us but for Satan who is already condemned, but you still have the chance to repent and be saved. The eternal principle is that the soul that sinneth shall die. This has already been applied to Satan and the fallen angels and for God to be justified He had to come down as a man and sacrifice himself for man. He took away your sins so that you will live. You too need to share this good news with the perishing souls in the world. Tell them that He will give them the grace to keep His commandments.
Jesus brought grace and truth. His truth gives you an understanding of His word while His grace keeps you righteous. If you make this God your Saviour, all your needs will be met because that name can give all things. Tell them the rapture will soon take place. Jesus is coming, let every soul get set. He said the churches have failed Him. He has raised HOREMOW as the last ark that will prepare people for His coming. Desist from all kinds of sins: alcoholism, lying, fornication etc. Disconnect yourself from Satan. Choose Jesus and serve him in holiness and righteousness. He will use you to save sinners. God does not want any man to perish. That is why He wants everybody to understand who He is and what He can do. Man needs to choose Jesus and serve Him to avert God’s judgment which is too terrible for any man to bear. Let them know that no man can bear the punishment of God, bearing in mind that God is a consuming fire.
Thought for the day: Develop a passion for souls like Jesus.
Song for the day: Thank You for saving me, Thank You, my Lord...
Bible reading for the day: Amos 4-6; Revelation 6
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