For taking your time to study remain blessed.
February Friday 28th
Text: Numbers 16:31-33
Key verse: Proverbs 15:24 The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.
Hell is located underneath the earth. As we are walking up and down on earth, we are practically walking on damned souls in hell fire. The Bible has always spoken of hell as a place below the earth. Luke 10:15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. As we stand now we stand on damned souls in hell. Down to the earth beneath, locates a burning fire that God made for sinners. The revelations of the scripture show that before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the souls of those who had died in the world whether righteous or sinners, went to a place of abode called hell to await resurrection to life eternal or to eternal damnation. Hence, it is a temporary place of the abode of the dead.
If you do not believe the gospel of Christ and you are a sinner; or you are into witchcraft or an adulterer or fornicator; or you are a smoker or one involved in masturbation or any kind of sexual immorality; or you are a thief, a drunkard, a liar or living any life of sin; when you die, you will go down to hell. Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Even this hell fire is a temporary place. The permanent abode of sinners is the lake of fire, which is not presently opened. It will be opened after the White Throne judgment of sinners and wicked men/women. It is a place far more terrible than hell. The fire of hell does not burn Satan and his demons, but that of lake of fire will consume them. Hell fire is just like police custody, not the real prison. God is saying, “Go there and wait for Me until I come to judge you. After your judgment, you will receive your final judgment.”
Those who had the privilege of beholding hell by experience wonder at the fire as it does not burn the demons. No, they are not being burnt because they are the agents of hell. Satan has taken hell fire as his headquarters because he and his demons are being used to torment those that are in hell now. But Satan and his demons get to the lake of fire, their own torment will begin. For now, there is nobody in the lake of fire because it is waiting for the execution of the final white throne judgment where hell fire itself shall be cast into it, along with death, Satan, his demons and all sinners. It is a terrible place. Avoid it!
Thought for the day: Follow sound teaching and get perfect understanding for salvation of your soul.
Song for the day: Remember me O Lord, remember me in Your kingdom
Bible reading for the day:
Numbers 21-22; Mark 7:14-37
February Friday 28th
Text: Numbers 16:31-33
Key verse: Proverbs 15:24 The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.
Hell is located underneath the earth. As we are walking up and down on earth, we are practically walking on damned souls in hell fire. The Bible has always spoken of hell as a place below the earth. Luke 10:15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. As we stand now we stand on damned souls in hell. Down to the earth beneath, locates a burning fire that God made for sinners. The revelations of the scripture show that before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the souls of those who had died in the world whether righteous or sinners, went to a place of abode called hell to await resurrection to life eternal or to eternal damnation. Hence, it is a temporary place of the abode of the dead.
If you do not believe the gospel of Christ and you are a sinner; or you are into witchcraft or an adulterer or fornicator; or you are a smoker or one involved in masturbation or any kind of sexual immorality; or you are a thief, a drunkard, a liar or living any life of sin; when you die, you will go down to hell. Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Even this hell fire is a temporary place. The permanent abode of sinners is the lake of fire, which is not presently opened. It will be opened after the White Throne judgment of sinners and wicked men/women. It is a place far more terrible than hell. The fire of hell does not burn Satan and his demons, but that of lake of fire will consume them. Hell fire is just like police custody, not the real prison. God is saying, “Go there and wait for Me until I come to judge you. After your judgment, you will receive your final judgment.”
Those who had the privilege of beholding hell by experience wonder at the fire as it does not burn the demons. No, they are not being burnt because they are the agents of hell. Satan has taken hell fire as his headquarters because he and his demons are being used to torment those that are in hell now. But Satan and his demons get to the lake of fire, their own torment will begin. For now, there is nobody in the lake of fire because it is waiting for the execution of the final white throne judgment where hell fire itself shall be cast into it, along with death, Satan, his demons and all sinners. It is a terrible place. Avoid it!
Thought for the day: Follow sound teaching and get perfect understanding for salvation of your soul.
Song for the day: Remember me O Lord, remember me in Your kingdom
Bible reading for the day:
Numbers 21-22; Mark 7:14-37
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