For taking your time to study remain blessed.
April Tuesday 2nd
TEXT: 1 Peter 3:4-6
KEY VERSE: 1Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Adam was formed in creation before Eve. The person who had the dialogue with the serpent was the woman (Genesis 3:1-12). Satan feared he would not succeed in his ploy if he attacked Adam. He found some natural qualities in Eve that favoured his ploy. Bible describes the woman as a weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7). When Satan engaged her, he got her deceived and inspired to involve Adam in the disobedience; hence, she was responsible for the transgression. The cause being that she was forward. If she had understood and practiced subjection to the man, the fall would not have happened. Man would have withstood Satan. In her ignorance she “usurped” the place of man and collapsed the human race. She suffered the judgment by the decree pronounced upon her child bearing. The Holy Spirit would not allow this scene to be repeated in the church. The woman must be properly checked and supervised so that she does not bring sin into the church of Christ and damn human souls. To usurp authority means to hijack power, to seize authority. It means to stage a coup over the man and take over authority to lead and rule. This is evil.
1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. The “teaching” by the woman condemned in this passage carries the same meaning. It is something done contrary to godly authority. It is something done in stubbornness and pride, carrying no grace. It is a service of carnality done in contention and struggle against the man; that which the man is to do which is taken over by the heady woman. The authority of man in the church is hijacked by her. The leadership of the church is hijacked from man and she becomes the commander-in-chief. This must not happen. The woman must put on her shamefacedness and be sober in the church. She must recognize the natural headship of man, the divine headship committed to man and be in all subjection to the leadership of man over the work of God. In the same way, wives must not usurp or hijack the authority of their husbands in the family. Many women do this and ruin their marriage and family. This is an evil the holy Christian woman must avoid.
Thought for the day: Let the woman submit to the authority of the man for it pleases God.
Song for the day: Years I spent in vanity and pride
Bible reading for the day:
Judges 8-9; Luke 8:22-56
April Tuesday 2nd
TEXT: 1 Peter 3:4-6
KEY VERSE: 1Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Adam was formed in creation before Eve. The person who had the dialogue with the serpent was the woman (Genesis 3:1-12). Satan feared he would not succeed in his ploy if he attacked Adam. He found some natural qualities in Eve that favoured his ploy. Bible describes the woman as a weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7). When Satan engaged her, he got her deceived and inspired to involve Adam in the disobedience; hence, she was responsible for the transgression. The cause being that she was forward. If she had understood and practiced subjection to the man, the fall would not have happened. Man would have withstood Satan. In her ignorance she “usurped” the place of man and collapsed the human race. She suffered the judgment by the decree pronounced upon her child bearing. The Holy Spirit would not allow this scene to be repeated in the church. The woman must be properly checked and supervised so that she does not bring sin into the church of Christ and damn human souls. To usurp authority means to hijack power, to seize authority. It means to stage a coup over the man and take over authority to lead and rule. This is evil.
1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. The “teaching” by the woman condemned in this passage carries the same meaning. It is something done contrary to godly authority. It is something done in stubbornness and pride, carrying no grace. It is a service of carnality done in contention and struggle against the man; that which the man is to do which is taken over by the heady woman. The authority of man in the church is hijacked by her. The leadership of the church is hijacked from man and she becomes the commander-in-chief. This must not happen. The woman must put on her shamefacedness and be sober in the church. She must recognize the natural headship of man, the divine headship committed to man and be in all subjection to the leadership of man over the work of God. In the same way, wives must not usurp or hijack the authority of their husbands in the family. Many women do this and ruin their marriage and family. This is an evil the holy Christian woman must avoid.
Thought for the day: Let the woman submit to the authority of the man for it pleases God.
Song for the day: Years I spent in vanity and pride
Bible reading for the day:
Judges 8-9; Luke 8:22-56
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