For taking your time to study remain blessed.
DECEMBER Wednesday 5th
TEXT: Romans 1: 28-32
KEY VERSE: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1: 28
QUESTION: If someone has a body odour and the person knows that to use perfume is a sin, he goes for medication and the doctor recommends the use of perfume, to stop the body odour. What is your advice?
ANSWER: Is it that the use of perfume will stop the body odour? Now, what do you want to achieve by putting on this unnatural thing? Another person may say, I told the doctor that my hair has fallen off and the doctor said, go and wear weavon. Will you wear weavon and you say, the doctor recommended it? Some other people say the doctor recommend whisky for them! Doctor recommend immorality for them to solve their back problem! What a great confusion to the word of God; a great confusion to the house of God. If as you are putting on the weavon, as the doctor recommended, how will the others that see you doing this ungodly thing know that it was the doctor that recommended it.
If you are wearing this unnatural smell, perfume, body spray, and your brethren are not wearing it and you claim that you are wearing your own because doctors recommended it. How many people will know? Will you be carrying the doctor’s prescription about? Find other ways to achieve good hygiene; through bathing regularly with antiseptic soap, proper brushing of the teeth, use of medicated mouth wash, etc. Continue in prayer and the matter will be over.
The genuine cases that require medical attention may be one out of a thousand persons, so we will not use just a peculiar case to generalize on the use of abominable things. So find other ways to overcome that setback; through prayers; some other natural ways. Some women complain of tough hair, find other ways to soften it without perming, applying relaxer or changing the texture of the hair.
Thought for the day: Use prayers and natural measures to get the matter settled
Song for the day: How excellent is Your name O Lord
Bible reading for the day: Daniel 5-6; 1 John 4
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