For taking your time to study remain blessed.
DECEMBER Thursday 20th
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16
KEY VERSE: Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 1 Corinthians 11: 13
QUESTION: Should a woman always cover her hair, even when walking on the street? Is it right even though you have plaited or weaved your hair? Maybe like me, ordinary days I always cover my hair, I cover my hair everywhere I am going to. So they are saying that is not holiness because air is not going in my hair and that even when I plait it I should open my hair and I should always be covering it in the church. So is a right for a Christian lady to cover her hair even in the street and also in the church?
ANSWER: A woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered, dishonoreth her head. The emphasis here is on worship and prayer in the church service. My house shall be called the house of prayer. So when you are praying have something to cover your hair as a woman. Those people who don’t cover their head are disobedient to the word of God and they are not going to heaven, because the disobedient don’t go to heaven. So you cover your head when you are in worship; you cover your head when you are praying, even at home but aside from this, you have liberty to do as you want, either to cover your head or leave it open because there is no rule of God guiding that.
It is what you choose to do, you need not cover it all the time, you are free to leave it open in the street in the market, at school, but as long as you dress neatly and decently in righteousness and holiness. You are free to leave it because the bible says the long hair is given to the woman for a covering. You have long hair that covers your head so you are free to leave it open in your normal business but what if you choose to still cover it? It Is your choice. The law of God does not condemn you for covering it. Do you want to have it covered all the time? In fact, when you are sleeping do you want to have it covered? Choose. But I think the medical people should advice you too. So, that one is left with you. Whether you are covering or not covering, it is not a transgression of God outside the church or besides prayer time.
Thought for the day: Aside from covering during prayer time, you have liberty to do as you want as a woman
Song for the day: My life shall be a testimony
Bible reading for the day:
Micah 4-5; Revelation 11
DECEMBER Thursday 20th
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16
KEY VERSE: Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 1 Corinthians 11: 13
QUESTION: Should a woman always cover her hair, even when walking on the street? Is it right even though you have plaited or weaved your hair? Maybe like me, ordinary days I always cover my hair, I cover my hair everywhere I am going to. So they are saying that is not holiness because air is not going in my hair and that even when I plait it I should open my hair and I should always be covering it in the church. So is a right for a Christian lady to cover her hair even in the street and also in the church?
ANSWER: A woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered, dishonoreth her head. The emphasis here is on worship and prayer in the church service. My house shall be called the house of prayer. So when you are praying have something to cover your hair as a woman. Those people who don’t cover their head are disobedient to the word of God and they are not going to heaven, because the disobedient don’t go to heaven. So you cover your head when you are in worship; you cover your head when you are praying, even at home but aside from this, you have liberty to do as you want, either to cover your head or leave it open because there is no rule of God guiding that.
It is what you choose to do, you need not cover it all the time, you are free to leave it open in the street in the market, at school, but as long as you dress neatly and decently in righteousness and holiness. You are free to leave it because the bible says the long hair is given to the woman for a covering. You have long hair that covers your head so you are free to leave it open in your normal business but what if you choose to still cover it? It Is your choice. The law of God does not condemn you for covering it. Do you want to have it covered all the time? In fact, when you are sleeping do you want to have it covered? Choose. But I think the medical people should advice you too. So, that one is left with you. Whether you are covering or not covering, it is not a transgression of God outside the church or besides prayer time.
Thought for the day: Aside from covering during prayer time, you have liberty to do as you want as a woman
Song for the day: My life shall be a testimony
Bible reading for the day:
Micah 4-5; Revelation 11
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