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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
OCTOBER Wednesday 31st

TEXT: Joshua 10: 12-15
KEY VERSE: And there was no day like that before it or after it that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel. Joshua 10: 14
The Lord told Moses, “Speak to the rock and water shall come out, smite the rock water shall come out, is the rock producing water for the church now? Have you heard that the church of Christ gathered together in a great congregation, their water finished and they went and spoke to the rock and water came out? These are things that happen in His sovereignty, they are not the normal path He has provided for your normal living. There are promises for your normal life that God has provided and not for these other things some manifest pride in. Again, Joshua commanded the sun and the moon to stand still. It happened once, but by the impartation of the faith of the Holy Ghost in him. It the case of king Uzziah, the Lord said, “Do I turn the sun backward or forward?” God gave that option. Nobody again will say “God I’m going on a journey, it’s getting late, please stay the sun for me; we want to finish this crusade! Can you tell God like that?
Jesus turned water into wine. Did you hear that any apostle turned water into wine? No. It was an unusual manifestation of the Holy Ghost that can happen once in a generation according to the mind of God. But as for you, you are having a wedding and you need drinks, pray in advance, or else if even at that time you want to pray, pray and say “God, supply”, He knows how to supply. Don’t go and be asking people to fetch water and fill six water pots, and say “now as Jesus did it!” These signs shall follow them that believe. In my name they shall lay hands upon the sick and the sick shall recover….. That’s the normal way. Pray in the name of Jesus for the sick, lay hands, call upon the Lord in the name of Jesus and believe it shall be done. “For whosoever say to this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt into his heart but shall believe that which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he sayeth”. But then we notice in the ministry of Jesus this unique miracle: that at a time the garment of Jesus healed the sick, at a time, not always. And in fact healed like the woman with issue of blood, many people thronged Him, many people touch that garment but her faith told her as the Lord said it if she will believe, and she believed that if she touched the hem of Jesus garment she will be healed. So when Jesus said, “who touched Me?” Peter wondered, everybody is pushing you here you say who touched you? The Holy Spirit manifested in an unusual way, so she touched Me and got healed, and the woman came forth and said “I am the one”. Did the clothes of Jesus continue to heal the sick?
Thought for the day: Pray and believe in the name of Jesus
Song for the day: Believe, it shall be well, believe in the Lord
Bible reading for the day:
Jeremiah 29-30; Titus 1


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