For taking your time to study remain blessed.
OCTOBER Thursday 4th
TEXT: Matthew 16: 16-19
KEY VERSE: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16: 18
It is not in the plan of God that this Movement dies. It has been described prophetically as “The Last Mercy of God for Mankind,” and in several other ways, hence we know that God will not allow this Movement to die. It will stand to witness the Rapture of the Church in the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen. It is a joy to see what God is doing through this Ministry. People are heaving a sigh of relief all over the world in Churches and nations of the world of what God has begun to do in Holiness Revival Movement. He will do it to the end. So, that is the promise that God has given to us.
Let’s pray that God will use this Movement and any other instrument that He will use to bring about this last day revival. Symbolically speaking, the earth has been dry for three-and-a-half years as in the days of Elijah. For a long time, Christianity has been lost. The Church has been dry for a long time. We are praying-in righteousness. When righteousness comes all these religions making noise now will bow on their own. The reason why they are strong now is because we are in a balance. If we get weak, they get strong; if we become strong, they will go down – it is automatic! Let us become strong and fervent, let Christianity spring up and automatically Islamic power will bow by itself! Powers of occultism in the nation will bow naturally because the voices praying will increase, the righteous voices will increase and more energy shall be released. It is automatic. Let us rise up; let Christianity recover now, and you will see how naturally the enemy will flee. That’s about God’s call, what about God’s promises?
Thought for the day: Horemow is God’s strategic ministry for this end time
Song for the day: Some years ago, God brought me to Horemow!
Bible reading for the day:
Isaiah 29-30; Ephesians 6
OCTOBER Thursday 4th
TEXT: Matthew 16: 16-19
KEY VERSE: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16: 18
It is not in the plan of God that this Movement dies. It has been described prophetically as “The Last Mercy of God for Mankind,” and in several other ways, hence we know that God will not allow this Movement to die. It will stand to witness the Rapture of the Church in the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen. It is a joy to see what God is doing through this Ministry. People are heaving a sigh of relief all over the world in Churches and nations of the world of what God has begun to do in Holiness Revival Movement. He will do it to the end. So, that is the promise that God has given to us.
Let’s pray that God will use this Movement and any other instrument that He will use to bring about this last day revival. Symbolically speaking, the earth has been dry for three-and-a-half years as in the days of Elijah. For a long time, Christianity has been lost. The Church has been dry for a long time. We are praying-in righteousness. When righteousness comes all these religions making noise now will bow on their own. The reason why they are strong now is because we are in a balance. If we get weak, they get strong; if we become strong, they will go down – it is automatic! Let us become strong and fervent, let Christianity spring up and automatically Islamic power will bow by itself! Powers of occultism in the nation will bow naturally because the voices praying will increase, the righteous voices will increase and more energy shall be released. It is automatic. Let us rise up; let Christianity recover now, and you will see how naturally the enemy will flee. That’s about God’s call, what about God’s promises?
Thought for the day: Horemow is God’s strategic ministry for this end time
Song for the day: Some years ago, God brought me to Horemow!
Bible reading for the day:
Isaiah 29-30; Ephesians 6
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