For taking your time to study remain blessed TOPIC: JESUS IS ALMOST HERE ARE YOU PREPARED? SATURDAY JULY 1 TEXT: ACTS 1:9-11 KEY VERSE: “Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12. Jesus promised to return for His people to take them home in rapture. The signs of His return are revealed to us through various happenings and revelations. Heaven is fully prepared for this great spiritual event. When we say, Jesus is coming back to the world, the question arises, “Where is He now?” He is in heaven, the abode of the true God, the place of everlasting life. When we say, Jesus is coming to the earth again, the question also arises: “Has He been in the earth before?” Yes, He came physically in earthly human body. “Who is He?” He is the Lord. What did He come to do in His first coming? He came as: • A Saviour to save us from our sin. • A Lamb of God to sacrifice Himself for our salvation. • A Mediator to reconcile...
Daily devotional on horemow