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Showing posts from February, 2024

God’s Ways And Wisdom Are Higher Than The Sons Of Man

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study God’s Ways And Wisdom Are Higher Than The Sons Of Man Text: Romans 11: 33 – 36  Friday, March 1st Key voice: John 13: 20 Verify, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. If the Lord sends a man through prophecy to you and you will receive that man, who actually have you received? The Lord. If the Lord sends somebody by the word received from a dream to warn you and you reject it, you reject the Lord. You do not reject the Lord Jesus alone you reject the Father because He is one with the Father. He sent the word of prophecy or revelation to you and you did not receive it. You have rejected Jesus. He that rejects you rejects me.  Churches and persons that reject proven revelations the Lord has sent through our beloved sister and many others are saying no to Jesus because that is the word of God. Do not boast because your ...

Teach All Things That Christ Has Commanded

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Teach All Things That Christ Has Commanded  Wednesday, February 28th Text: Acts 11:24-26 Key verse: Acts 11:25 “Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul.” After preaching and making disciples, build them up, fellowship with them, and teach them all things that Christ has commanded. Jesus spent three and a half years on earth in ministry. Can you finish His words in one year? With adequate explanations and applications, will you finish it in three years? No. Discipleship continues till He comes because you will repeat it over and over in this forgetful world; a world where people easily forget so these are things you should keep teaching them. All things whatsoever the Lord has commanded you. Do not say, “The Lord did not tell me.” It is given already. Teach them against the use of earrings, and weapons, women wearing trousers and dresses of men and vice versa. Teach against abortion and wrong marri...

God Has Raised Up HOREMOW For The Revival Of The Church

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. God Has Raised Up HOREMOW For The Revival Of The Church  Text: Habakkuk 1: 1 – 2      Thursday, February 29th Key verse: Acts 15:18 “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Of a truth, this is the ministry God has raised up for the revival of the church of Christ in this end time. I am not sure if there is any ministry where people will go to heaven easier than this place. Easier. Cheaper. The Lord took me in a revelation to witness it and when I entered the gate of heaven easily, I said, “Eh! So, this thing is so easy?” It is very easy because you are learning righteousness, truth, and holiness but do not bring it into the flesh. You have found the place where making heaven is simple. The knowledge of truth, holiness, and heaven is abundant, only you have to determine to make the right choice to stay with HOREMOW and align your ministry with HOREMOW. It is the will ...

Beware of Cultic Preachers

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Beware of Cultic Preachers   Tuesday, February 27th Text: Acts 8:18-23 Key verse: Jonah 2:8 “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.” They bring materials of witchcraft; sand from Jerusalem, salt, handkerchiefs, and aprons and they spread these among the people to contaminate them; soak handkerchiefs in water and drink. It has been anointed by the bishop…making the people to see the bishop as greater than Jesus. Corrupt people that are corrupting their members. You would have been a serious Christian by now but you passed through their way; they delayed you there and you drank of their polluted water. Thank God you did not die and by the grace of God we shall press out all those things you have drunk so that you will recover and come back to your senses. The sinner gets weary on his way because he is busy looking for the way to the city but he cannot find it. Sin has blinded his eyes. ...

Labor For That Which Gives Everlasting Life

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study Labor For That Which Gives Everlasting Life      Monday, February 26th Text: John 6:25-29 Key verse: Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. The parents of the man born blind were afraid to the point that Jesus healed their son born blind yet they refused to testify to His glory because they fear that the Jews may remove you from the synagogue. Is that synagogue that that man denied Jesus for still standing there in Jerusalem? Vanity! All of them will vanish. Why not labor for that which will give you everlasting life? Can God not protect you? When I was commanded by denominational church authority, “Burn that book on divine revelations,” suppose I had done it, would the Lord had accomplished His desire? The fear of man would have destroyed the eternal plan of God.  Brother, repent. Go and do what is right. If they send you out, Jesus will meet with you. It will ...

Characteristics Of The Word Of God (1)

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Characteristics Of The Word Of God (1)  Saturday, February 24th Text: Psalm 19:7-11 Key verse: Psalm 119:11 “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.”  The characteristics expressed in our reading text are not only on the written word but also on the revealed word, the spoken word, dreams, revelations, and visions. It is perfect for converting the souls of men to God. The written word, the revealed word, the word received in dream, the word received in vision, the word of prophecy, whatever it is, it converts. The purpose is, that it converts the souls of men to God. It is sure and gives wisdom to the foolish. It is pure, enlightening the eyes, and giving understanding. Oh, now I understand. Okay, it will take some visions that will make you understand some portions of the scriptures. It takes some revelations that you will say, okay, now I understand what that scripture is sa...

Truth Produces Godliness Which Attracts Eternal Life

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study Truth Produces Godliness Which Attracts Eternal Life        Wednesday February 21st Text: 2 Timothy 3:15-17 Key verse: Psalm 94:22 “But the LORD is my defence, and my God is the rock of my refuge.” The truth will produce godliness; godliness will attract eternal life because God who cannot lie promised eternal life to the godly. I, Pastor Paul Rika preach and teach the truth which is after godliness. Godliness gives eternal life because God promised that He will give him eternal life to the godly and the truth is what produces godliness. When you deny people the truth, they cannot be godly and so cannot have eternal life. Many refuse to preach against the use of earrings in their churches because of fear of man. Do you know that no man has the power to stop your preaching the truth that you are convinced of? Peter and the Apostles said, “We cannot but speak of the things which we have seen and ...

Deliverance From Death Through Food Poisoning

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Deliverance From Death Through Food Poisoning  Tuesday, February 20th Text: Mark 16:17-18  Key verse: Psalm 103:2 “Bless the LORD, O my soul and forget not all His benefits.” My name is Paul Nathaniel. God delivered me from death through food poisoning by my boss. Some years ago, I was employed by a Security outfit in Abuja and posted to work in the house of a foreigner. While there, I always read my Bible and prayed at midnight. This man was a Muslim and anytime I engaged in prayer he would be smoking and watching me from the balcony of the main house. I kept on praying and reading my Bible. One day he came back from the office and asked me to see him. I closed the gate and went to his room. To my surprise, he had bought much Suya (roasted meat delicacy) and bread and he gave some to me. Actually, I had not been paid for some time. Since I was hungry, I collected the bread and Suya and did not even pra...

Jesus Is The Wisdom And Power Of God

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Jesus Is The Wisdom And Power Of God  Monday, February 19th Text: Matthew14:28-31 Key verse: Matthew 14:30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. Remember Jesus. He is God’s power. Power over those enemy forces. Superior, transcending, and Omnipotent power. He is the wisdom of God. There is wisdom of deliverance and that wisdom of escape is in Jesus. He is the wisdom of God unto salvation. Therefore, remember Him at that time. When you are hedged around by enemies, you find yourself alone. You say, oh, nobody to help me. Remember that He is a helper very close. Superior in power to your enemies. Do you serve Him in vain? Doesn’t He go with you everywhere? Has He not said, “Lo, I am with you,”  Why do you forget Him when trouble overwhelms you and you seem to be sinking? Didn’t Peter remember Jesus when he was sinking? Didn’t he cry bac...

God Has Standards For His Ministers

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. God Has Standards For His Ministers Sunday, February 18th Text: 1 Timothy 3:1-11 Key verse: 1 Timothy 3: 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Many churches choose ministers, and leaders, bishops as they want but these ones are not recognized by God because God has standards. If you choose a thief or polygamist, then you have chosen someone who is not even in Christ. You may have chosen him and he is doing the work but he is not recognized by God because no man taketh this honor to himself but them that are chosen of God as was Aaron. You chose a man but never scrutinized him through the scripture.  A Christian does not belong to secret society, cultism or witchcraft. A Christian does not belong to other religion and does not bow to any other god. A Christian does not worship anything that God created. If you ar...

No Man Taketh This Honor Unto Himself

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study No Man Taketh This Honor Unto Himself   Friday, February 16th Text: Hebrews 5:4-6  Key verse: Hebrews 5: 4 And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. No matter how a man shines under you, know that he will not take over because you were chosen by the living God. He knows your weaknesses and as long as you come faithfully to Him and plead for grace, you will have it. There is more to ministry than gifts, charisma, and intelligent preaching. Aaron was a vocalist but there was more to leadership to bring people from Egypt than being vocal. So, please trust in God who has chosen you. Do not strive because your portion will always be there in the Lord. When a couple has given birth to a child and the child is eating food, why worry about another child coming, provided they can cater for them because it is their responsibility? Do not allow envy and jealousy to ...

God Speaks In Diverse Ways

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study  God Speaks In Diverse Ways  Thursday, February 15th Text: Exodus 33:11-15 Key verse: Numbers 12:7 “My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.” God speaks face to face as He did in the case of Moses. He says my servant Moses is not so. With Him, I speak face to face. The similitude of the Lord shall he behold. He will be seeing me like this in a kind of a form and we will be talking as a man talketh to his friend. By the Quickening Spirit: Another way the word of God is revealed. Receive the word of God as He drops it in your heart by the quickening spirit, you will get it. Now I say whichever form it takes there is harmony because the message is the same. Righteousness and holiness are the central focus of the message of the word of God. Jesus Christ is the central focus and promotion of the word of God. Yes! So whichever way it comes, righteousness and holiness, the promotion of Jes...

Man; A Great Disappointment To God

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Man; A Great Disappointment To God  Wednesday, February 14th Text: Exodus 32: 1 - 10 Key verse: Genesis 6:6 “And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” The people told Aaron to make gods for them according to the manner of the Egyptians.” Do they know that the living God exists? He displayed His power among them. Did they know Him as the everlasting God that does not die? For this God does not die because He was the God that had been with Abraham and with them, for a period of more than four hundred years. They knew that He was everlasting. Did they see His miracle power? Ah, they saw everything. They saw hailstones and fire rained down upon Egypt. They saw the judgment of God over Egypt.  They saw the Red Sea dried up and congealed standing as two mighty walls and they crossed over. They saw the miracle that dissolved the water again and it cleared awa...

The Fruits Of The Lips Of A True And Holy Minister

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. The Fruits Of The Lips Of A True And Holy Minister         Tuesday, February 13th Text: Colossians 4: 5 - 6 Key verse: Hebrews 13:15 By him, therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. The words that come out of him; the words that he speaks, are clean words. ‘He that loves pureness of heart for the fruits of his lips the king shall be his friend.’ When you speak, they see pureness of heart and holiness of life in you. The person that you are relating with will see holiness in you. ‘Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. These are fruits that show that you are true and holy. Your words are true and can be verified; in ten years to come they will not change. Do not say something in the morning and something else by afternoon… “I did not ...

God Has Transformed My Life Through Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. God Has Transformed My Life Through Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide Text: John 9:24-27                                                             Saturday, February 10th Key verse: John 9:33 “If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.” My name is Paul Nathaniel. I was born again in 2008, but I backslid and went deeply into immorality. The Lord in His mercy has used Pastor Paul Rika to accomplish many things in my life and I desire to share my testimonies to the glory of God. Early in 2013, I heard the voice of the Lord speaking to me that I should go to Alone with God camp near Kwali for prayers. I went to the camp, rented a room, and stayed indoors for three days seeking the face of God. On the third day, the Lord visited me and exposed my sins, wa...

Uncommon Signs And Wonders (Part 2)

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Uncommon Signs And Wonders (Part 2)  Friday February 9th Text: 2 Kings 2:7-15 Key verse: 2 Kings 2:13 “He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan.” These are not common miracles. Do not attempt to do them. However, false prophets may claim that they can do everything. Do not follow or yield yourself to them. They may do some lying wonders to deceive you and remove eternal life from you. Elijah and Elisha divided the river Jordan by uncommon faith. It could be that God wanted the incident of Elijah going up to heaven to be registered on earth forever so He accompanied it with an uncommon miracle such that people will always remember this. Fifty sons of the prophets viewed this miracle; that Elijah smote the river and it parted into two and that he crossed over on dry ground together with Elisha.  The faith of Elisha was very high in asking for ...

Uncommon Signs And Wonders (Part 1)

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study Uncommon Signs And Wonders (Part 1)        Thursday, February 8th Text: Joshua 10:11-15 Key verse: Joshua 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. These miracles come to the heart of men by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is not a law. It is not a normal operation. It is not for you to do them too. These are miracles, signs, and wonders performed by men through faith in God that occur by the will of God and may never happen again. The Holy Spirit inspires them through an individual by giving him uncommon faith for such uncommon miracles and such may never be repeated through all generations. He may never repeat it again in his life. Others may never do the same thing, no. These uncommon miracles exist...

Jesus Bore Your Sickness And Affliction

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Jesus Bore Your Sickness And Affliction  Wednesday, February 7th TEXT: Isaiah 53:4-5 Key verse: Matthew 8:16 When the event came, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick. Remember Jesus in your sickness or affliction. Remember that He too bore our sickness and was afflicted. It will help you. Remember He was wounded and suffered pain. He was afflicted. When you know that though you are sick, Jesus bore our sicknesses and pain upon Him. If you remember this, it is going to humble you and make you not feel ashamed because you are sick. For your Lord, He also borne sickness upon Him, sick by our sickness. Sickness and affliction humble you. It makes you not feel proud that you are afflicted, for He also was afflicted. So, remember Jesus. That humbles you. But how long did He remain in His affliction? How long did He rem...

The Choice To Ministry Is Of God

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. The Choice To Ministry Is Of God       Tuesday, February 6th Text: Mark 3:13-14 Key verse: John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. The Lord Jesus Christ chose His disciples out of many people. His personal heart was involved in the choice. It was a thoughtful choice with consideration. The word, ‘ordained’ is still the same as the word, ‘choice.’ He chose twelve to be with Him. It is important for the ministers who are truly of God to know that it is the choice of God that arrived at them, or else there will be insecurity which will cause numerous sins, carnality, and loss heaven. God chose Saul the son of Kish to be king in Israel. David reigned 40 years, Solomon reigned 40 years and Saul also reigned 40 years...

Pray For God’s Righteousness And Peace In Nigeria

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. Pray For God’s Righteousness And Peace In Nigeria        Monday February 5th Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 “Pray without ceasing.” Brethren, lift up your voices and cry to God to give us more time to evangelise Nigeria and the world for true righteousness and holiness to cover our nation and the world before the rapture takes place. The judgment of the Lord will surely come upon our nation and the world for rejecting Jesus and following Satan. However, we can delay this upon our nation by effectual fervent prayers and radical evangelism. The following are the reasons why God’s children must pray for Nigeria 1. If the Lord was ready to spare Sodom and Gomorrah for just ten righteous people, then He must spare Nigeria; for we have more than ten truly righteous people in it. 2. Nigeria is the glory of Africa and a leading nation in politics, commerce, education, a...

Join In The Battle For Truth

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study Join In The Battle For Truth Saturday February 3rd Text: 2 Kings 2:6-15 Key verse: Exodus 18: 21 Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: Join me in the struggle to save your soul because Satan is working very hard to block the true gospel; to silence our mouths so that we should not preach or teach it. He wants to raise up people to block it. As long as God is in heaven and as He opens the door, let us enter and get the people for Jesus. Amen. The thing that ye have had of me, the same commit to faithful men. These correct and true ministers bear fruit after their kind as seen in the scripture, in the ministry of Moses.  The Bible called them able men, men of truth, men that fear God, hating covetousness. These were me...

A Clarion Call To All Christians

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study. A Clarion Call To All Christians  Friday February 2nd Text: Romans 1:14-17 Key verse: Genesis 6:8 “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” We are in the end times and much corruption and decay has entered into the Church such that most of what is practiced today as Christianity is actually not true Christianity. Another gospel masterminded by Satan has overtaken many assemblies with misplaced emphasis on prosperity, miracles, signs and wonders. This fake gospel has captured a high percentage of denominations and Christians at large. In a bid to salvage the sorrowful state and reduce the massive descent of souls into hell fire, the Lord has raised up Pastor Paul Rika as the Noah of this generation and established the ark of safety; Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide, HOREMOW. Those that repent genuinely from sins and receive and practice the doctrines of truth, holiness and righteousness as taught and...