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God bless you for taking your time to study.



Key verse: Proverbs 8:31. Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men. 
Man is the only creature that God gave life through breathing into his nostrils to become a living soul. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7. Apart from man, no animal has a soul. Man’s ability to reason, think, decide and make a choice is made possible through his soul. This is the reason why man is subject to the judgment of God since he can choose whom he will worship and serve (Joshua 24:15). 
Again, God made man as three distinct persons like Himself. No other creature has this nature. Angels in heaven do not have it. Man, therefore, is superior when compared to other creatures. God’s delight is with the sons of men because they resemble Him (Proverbs 8:31). He made man after His likeness. God became man to redeem man from sin because man is too precious to be lost.
The man was made in the very image of God. It is like when a man says “this child is my life”. For instance, it was said of Benjamin, “If you take away this child, the life of my father is gone. He is the reason why my father is alive. My father’s heart and joy are upon him. If this child remains in Egypt and does not come back, my father will go to grave untimely” Genesis 44:27-31. The love of God for man is more than this. That is why He does not want a man to perish. As God exists in three separate persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit so man exists in three separate persons; spirit, soul, and body. 
As said earlier, because man is a living soul, he is subject to God’s judgment. The spirit of every man united with his soul at death returns to God for judgment while the buried body decomposes and becomes dust on the earth. The body will reunite with the spirit and soul at the resurrection of the dead and mortality will take on immortality forever because the spirit, soul, and body are made in the image and nature of God. The composite life of the three after death will either be everlasting in heaven or everlasting damnation in the lake of fire. You are too precious to be lost.

Thought for the day: God loves you because you are His image. Love Him too.

Song for the day: I know Jesus loves me, wherever I go I will follow Him.

Bible reading for the day:Isaiah 62-74; 1 Thessalonians 5


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