God bless you for taking your time to study.
Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 2:19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?
I liken the successful man to a wise man that laid his foundation upon a rock. He dug deep but there was much waste of time according to you, after you have gone far, maybe there is a waste of materials, waste of energy, and waste of money but it is successful in the sight of God. It is the foundation of everlasting success. Many people measure success in ministry by large membership, wide coverage, and having churches in various places. God does not think like that. Do not consider success by how much wealth you have gathered; you started your ministry not long ago and now you are making it.
What do structure, a large congregation, and wide coverage mean to God when souls are not saved and none among them is fit for heaven? Will you congratulate a farmer who farmed a large portion of land but could not make a good harvest because the rain did not come in time? If you congratulate him what will he tell you? Successful farmers are those that harvest much and measure success in the number of bags harvested. How many souls have you brought to God? It is as you preach the gospel, labor over souls, and cause them to repent and submit their lives to Christ that we can say you are succeeding because souls have been saved, making heaven rejoice.
You are succeeding when believers under your care stand on truth, holiness, and righteousness. You are succeeding when you are bringing people to Christ and causing them to know the righteousness and holiness of Christ and they accept the word and get established in the faith. That is a successful ministry. The word preached, received, and acted upon with results of holiness and righteousness is the yardstick for success. Success is when a believer is victorious over sin, Satan, and the world until he enters heaven by death or rapture.
Thought for the day: Dig deep for enduring ministry.
Song for the day: I will dig a little deeper Jesus' love must be sweeter…
Bible reading for the day:
Jeremiah 11-13; 1 Timothy 4
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