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God bless you for taking your time to study.


TEXT: RUTH 1:15 – 18


Key verse: Psalm 32: 1. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Ruth, a Moabite was married to an Israelite. When he died, she showed uncommon loyalty to her mother-in-law and deep devotion to the God of Israel. In the end, she found a new husband among her former husband’s relatives and through this marriage became the great-grandmother of David, Israel’s greatest king. If you want to overcome immorality, start with God by giving your life to Him. Ruth, even as a widow, was not known to mess around with men and she remained steadfast in all her dealings; no wonder God rewarded her with a good husband. Release your heart to Jesus Christ and experience victory over lust and evil thoughts. Those immoral men looking for widows and young girls to defile will not come near you. The protection of God will be all over you to counter all evil advancements. Live the exemplary life of Ruth and enjoy God’s unreserved blessings.
Ruth also lived a life of humility by submitting to full instruction and mentorship of her Mother-in-law, Naomi. She went in search of food for her and cater for her needs and in the course of doing this she refused to defile herself. Naomi lost her husband and two of her children and would have returned home with nothing to show from her sojourn to Moab if not for Ruth that covered her shame and mockery she would have faced back home. Always show godly character where ever you are found to give glory to God Almighty. Remain submissive to God Almighty and authorities over you for this is pleasing to God. Take corrections and discipline when you are chastised. Do not join others who are in the habit of revolting against the church leadership or your place of secular assignments. Learn to approach authorities over you to give advice when you notice deviations from what should be. Seek counsel on Godly issues that look confusing to you on scriptures, marriage, salvation, sermons, etc.

Thought for the day: Submit to the church, fami,ly, and society as unto the Lord.

Song for the day: Who is on the Lord’s side? I want to know …

Bible reading for the day: 
Psalms 119:1-48; 1 Corinthians 3


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