God bless you for taking your time to study.
KEY VERSE: Revelation 3:6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Continuation of revelations of Sister Josephine Ihejirika of the USA chapter: As I was praying on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, the Lord gave a message: “My heart desire is for everyone that comes into My ministry, HOREMOW to believe the teachings with his whole heart; give Me his whole heart in HOREMOW; work for Me with his whole heart in HOREMOW; give Me his life in HOREMOW; make Me first in his life in HOREMOW that I will cover them with My glory and rapture them when I come and none shall perish but many are partially in. Their one leg is in and the other out. They are indeed in My ministry but they have more trust in their ministries.”
“Many do not give their whole selves in HOREMOW which I raised to change them and show them how to inherit My Kingdom. They have more love for their previous ministry. They love their pastor and obey him more than the things done in My ministry, especially in regards to money, offering, and activities. They don’t know that it is HOREMOW activities that they should put first. If HOREMOW and their previous ministry have activities they should leave the activity of their former ministry because their pastors do not believe in biblical teachings.”
“They are on their own, except they start to teach the same thing and their messages and HOREMOW messages become the same. If their pastor is preaching it and they are preaching it, it will be pleasing to My heart. I gave them the message and brought them out to take them to heaven. I brought them out to hear from My mouth in HOREMOW and give the message where I send them to go; teach them the truth they receive in HOREMOW so that anyone that listens will join them to go to heaven but they see My ministry as secondary. Warn them not to take My ministry as secondary.”
Thought for the day: Do not take Jesus’ ministry, HOREMOW as secondary.
Song for the day: I don’t care what church you belong to….
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 99-102; Romans 13
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