TEXT: Matthew 12:48-50
But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.
KEY VERSE: Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
I have to teach My followers submission to my will when it is not easy. I have to see their willingness to follow a hard road and to make sacrifices for My sake. When I see the submissive heart, I can then show the more joyous side of My will – the restful communion with Me, the enjoyment of Myself, My gifts and My world – which I want them to have, because I love them so very much!
To reveal, at the outset, the many rewards of life with Me would produce the wrong motive for acceptance of My will. Only when I see unquestioning obedience, can I then shower My love and peace – and reveal the enjoyment of them as being just as truly My will as are sacrifice and duty.
Doing My will brings great profit to your life. To walk in My Ways My children must start from the fervent desire to please Me. They must kindle that desire, see how vital it is; and mobilize all their forces around ensuring that My will is done in their lives. What must be understood is that the actual yielding to My will, the conscious assent to it in any situation, automatically releases the power needed to carry it out.
Frequently during each day gently tell Me “You will be done, Lord.” As you grow in this attitude of relaxed submission you will find yourself, quite naturally, refusing everything contrary to my purposes for you and living at peace with Me and in the world.
There are so many ways in which I wish to use My Children. There are so many of My suffering or lost ones who need them. Lifting someone in his or her need is deeply satisfying to your whole being – at levels, you may not even suspect.
It is always done without strain. If you are consciously relaxing in my love, others can truly receive Me through yourself. You are then a source of joy, reassurance and peace to them. Remember that love is not just a comforting emotion and that it can be costly. When you act lovingly, against “inclination”, you are truly carrying out My will.
Thought for the day: Doing the will of God is the true love of God.
Song for the day: Thy will be done, Thy will be done, all things are possible…..
Bible reading for the day: Exodus 7-8; Matthew 17
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