For taking your time to study remain blessed.
June Wednesday 10th
Text: Psalm 144:1, 2
Key verse: Psalms 37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
The Lord God is the strength of those who trust Him. He renews their strength when they are weak. He opens up His good treasure house unto those whose trust is in Him. He makes them to benefit from His goodness and kindness. The Lord will entrust you with His riches because you have trusted in Him. When Job trusted the Lord, He showed Job goodness and mercy and restored double-fold all that he had lost. The one who puts his trust in the Lord does not lose anything. He may appear to have some loses in the eyes of men but in the eyes of God, he has lost nothing.
He is my goodness, and my fortress, my high tower. God is the protector of those who run to Him in total trust. The Lord is my high tower that I can climb and see afar off to enhance my speed in life. He gives me revelation of the truth, all because I trust Him. Who subdueth my people under me. He will give you victory and make you to be ahead of your enemies. He will make you conquer and will enthrone you because you have trusted in Him. God is the Saviour of all those who put their trust in Him.
If you can trust in the Lord and live in righteousness, the presence of God shall be with you for your supplies and security. The Lord himself will give you food that you will eat and be satisfied; and you will praise the name of the Lord your God. Your trust in God will give you employment and wisdom to create wealth. If you can make a covenant of trust with the Lord, He will be your Saviour unto the end of your life on the earth. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. The Lord will bring that matter that has become so distant in your mind to pass because you trust in Him. God is going to fulfill all those promises He has made to you. Just believe and trust God. He knows how to bring them to pass for you. All He wants from you is to believe.
Thought for the day: Immerse your life in trust of God
Song for the day: On Christ the solid rock I stand
Bible reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 32-33; John 18:24-40
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