For taking your time to study remain blessed.
June Friday 5th
Text: Isaiah 6: 1-8
Key verse: Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
Here is a wonderful testimony of a young man during one of the youth conferences in Holiness Campground, Abuja, Nigeria.
As I was leading choruses, the tempo became high and we all got lost in the presence of God. I did not know when a young man came and laid flat on the altar. I only saw him when I opened my eyes. I started wondering in my mind, “When did he come here?” I decided to leave him alone and continued with the choruses. We went on praising and praising, basking in the glorious presence of the Lord. The young man was to later give his testimony.
He said right there where he was sitting, he saw brightness on the altar; he saw me in total white, but before then he had seen Jesus standing beside me with His hand laid upon my head. Then he became excited. He thought to himself, “Oh Jesus, so you are here. You will bless me also.” That was when he started coming to the altar. As he came forward and was about to climb the altar so that Jesus could also lay hands upon him, he heard Jesus say, “No, No, stay there, just stay there.” Hallelujah!
Why do you allow people to tell you lies in the presence of God? Why do you accept their lies in spite of the great glory of God you are seeing in Holiness Revival Movement? Would you still believe their lies in spite of the power of the Lord that is being manifested in Holiness Revival Movement? These people are giving a dog a bad name because of their evil plans. They want to condemn the Movement that Jesus raised up for His glory because they want to execute the agenda of Satan. Reject them wherever you see them. The Lord is with us in Holiness Revival Movement. That is the will of God. That is the mind of God. And that is what God wants you to understand.
Thought for the day: The Lord is with us in Holiness Revival Movement.
Song for the day: Who is like unto Thee, O Lord
Bible reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 17-19; John 15
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