For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Text: 1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 44
Key verse: 1 Corinthians 15: 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.
There are those who wonder how the resurrection will take place or how the bodies of the resurrected saints will be or which type of body they will put on. Now, if you are to sow a corn, it is the grain that you sow in the ground and not the new product. It is when the grain dies that a new product comes out with a new body different from the grain you sowed and it will be looking more beautiful and colourful as well as wonderful. It is God that chooses to give every seed the body that He wishes it to have in His own wisdom. It is the same thing with the resurrection bodies.
When a man dies, at resurrection God will give him a new body, just as Paul described the types of bodies God will give to the resurrected saints. It is not going to be you looking as you were before death. Whatever deformities or damage or weaknesses you had on your body before death will not feature in your resurrected body. You are going to come out of the grave with a new and glorious body. God is going to give you a fantastic appearance. Is like you sowed a dried grain but it came up with a good and glorious tall body, looking beautiful. You don’t compare it with the dry seed of corn you sowed any more, although you know that it is still corn. That is how a saint will assume a new and glorious body different from the old one.
It is not a body that will know corruption. It is not a body that will be sick or fatigued or have any kind of deformity or disproportionate size. Never! All those imperfections and deformities will end on earth. It could be that you had eye problem while on earth or you had diabetes or cancer. All that will end here. May be your leg was even amputated such that you could not walk well. What will come out from the grave at the resurrection will be perfect such that you cannot compare your new legs with the one you had before. May be your leg is so cancer-infested and oozing out very bad odour that you hide yourself in the room away from people. It will be a different story at resurrection because you will want everybody to see your new beautiful legs. All the saints will look fine, fantastic wonderful, beautiful and glorious. Hallelujah!
Thought for the day: At resurrection, the saints will look fine, fantastic wonderful, beautiful and glorious.
Song for the day: Glory, honour, power and majesty, be unto Christ our Lord
Bible reading for the day: 2 Chronicles 20-22; John 16:1-15
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