For taking your time to study remain blessed.
June Friday 12th
KEY VERSE: 1Thessalonians 4:6 That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.
I joined Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide in Jos, Plateau State in August, 2013. I was already an ordained pastor with Living Faith Church but still a sinner. In my thirteen years in Living Faith Church, I never heard about or knew what restitution was. I came to know this in Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW). The message of restitution convicted me as a sinner who gave a false age to get employment with the First Bank of Nigeria Plc. After hearing this message, I lost my peace and could not wait to report myself to my employer. The day I was to send a mail to the headquarters in Lagos, the fear of losing my job gripped me and I could not do it. That same day, I had a revelation that rapture took place and I did not make it. When I woke up, I knew I missed the rapture because of my refusal to restitute to my organization. I had to summon courage and send a mail to them confessing my sin and disclosing my real age. I pleaded for their forgiveness. I was invited to Lagos for questioning. After my return from Lagos, they sent me an email directing me to resign my appointment with the bank. Today, I am better off than when I was in the bank and I am grateful to God that I was asked to resign at that time. I didn’t know God had something better for me. More importantly, I have since been enjoying the peace of the Lord. Glory be to His holy name. Hallelujah!
Lessons from Testimony:
1. Restitution is scriptural but many churches don’t teach it, probably because they don’t know the truth or they just refuse to teach the truth
2. Failure to do necessary restitution can make you to miss heaven
3. Unresolved restitution brings pain to the heart
4. Fear and shame is the greatest obstacle to restitution but these can be removed by faith in Jesus Christ
5. Since God is in it, restitution will always bring positive result at last
6. Restitution removes the constant burden and fear in your heart and makes you to enjoy the peace of God
7. Restitution is a clear message of salvation for other sinning Christians
Thought for the day: Restitution always results in a better outcome.
Song for the day: Give me grace to follow, abundant grace….
Bible reading for the day:
Ezra 1-2; John 19:23-42
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