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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Ephesians 5:22- 23
Key verse: 1 Peter 3:1 “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;”
In every area in marriage, the scripture commands that the wife be subject unto her husband. “Subject” here, is defined by the dictionary as “being under the power of another, owing or yielding obedience to sovereign authority. What this means therefore, is that wives should be under the husband in every manner of life in her marriage. In every aspect the wife should be in obedience to her husband. The total obedience is not slavery. It is just the divine order in which the home of the couple should be governed for peace and harmony. There are reasons given in the scripture for this divine order and command. Here we see that God has made the husband the head of the wife. In the natural life the head controls the whole body. Whatever any part of the body does, it is dictated by the head (the brain). When wives look at it from this angle, obedience becomes easy. It will be as the body subjects itself to the dictates of the head so does the wife to the husband for effectiveness and harmony in the home. Moreover the scripture makes it clear that the divine command for wives to obey their husbands dates back to the result of the disobedience of Eve in the Garden of Eden.
And Heb.13:17 admonishes that we should obey those that have rule over us. Therefore, woman, swallow this pill for your ancestress ‘being in transgression’ was one of the reasons that brought this divine order and command in marriage!! Even though the woman has been redeemed from the curse of the law, when you have had a big wound the scar remains. Thus, even in the New Testament the woman continues to be under her husband and must be in obedience to him for these reasons – man was first formed then woman and for the result of her damnable transgression,. As a couple in the household of faith the headship is not to lord it over the wife, but the wife’s obedience is to attract the husband’s obedience to the scripture Thus, a woman who knows how to be in total obedience to her husband also will earn his precious love.
Thought for the day: In every area in marriage, the scripture commands that the wife be subject unto her husband.
Song for the day: We are heirs of the Father...
Bible reading for the day:
Hosea 1-4; Jude


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