For taking your time to study remain blessed.
December Thursday 19th
1 Kings 18: 41-45
Thessalonians 5: 17 “Pray without ceasing.”
The Christian life
and ministry is a cross you need to carry daily. How much more when you are the
leader of the Church and having other people to carry along? Can you carry this
heavy load without prayer? You will quickly pack up; you will quickly go
rickety like a worn-out car. Add prayer to your Christian life and see how
easily you will run the Christian ministry.
world is very dark, sinners and sins have filled everywhere. We must be ready
to pray down revival as Elijah did. “And
Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of
abundance of rain…” You have told the people (as Elijah said to Ahab): “Go, eat and drink, there is a sound of
abundance of rain. The rain that has not been there for three and half years is
coming now!” You have told people, “Come
to Holiness Movement, the Lord has raised up Holiness Movement to bring
revival, righteousness, holiness in Christianity, to bring in harvest of
souls.” You have announced that, but it can only be accomplished by prayer.
You must be prepared to pray down God’s glory and revival in His Church and
Holiness Movement.
must go to the mountain; not a physical mountain in this case, but to go and
cast ourselves down in prayer and fasting. This thing should not be just once.
It should be organized in every country, every state, every chapter and every
unit. Holiness Revival Movement should fast and pray regularly because, if we want
the blessing as we have promised the people, it shall be actualized by prayer.
Go and pray!
us pray that God will use us as His instrument to bring about this last day
revival. Symbolically speaking, the earth has been dry for three-and-a-half
years as in the days of Elijah. For a long time, Christianity has been lost.
The Church has been spiritually dry for a long time. We must pray in
righteousness. When righteousness comes into the Church, all these religions
making noise will bow on their own. Presently, they are strong because the
Church is weak. If we get weak, they get strong; if we become strong, they go
down. It is automatic! A vibrant, strong and fervent Christianity will
automatically subdue Islamic power. At the recovery of Christianity, powers of
occultism in the nation will bow naturally and all enemies of the Christian
faith will take to flight.
for the day: A vibrant, strong and fervent Christianity will automatically
subdue Islamic power.
for the day: Jesus power, super power!
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