For taking your time to study remain blessed.
MESSAGES December Sunday 15th
TEXT: Acts 16:6-10
KEY VERSE: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture
is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness
The Word of God or the Scripture refers
primarily to the written word contained in the 66 Books of the Holy Bible. This
was written by the perfect inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is error free. It
is the authority for all Christian doctrine and practice. It is the basis of
our faith and hope and the bound of true obedience, love and service.
However, the Lord manifests His word to
us through spiritual gifts which are still valid in the church today. Holy
Spirit inspired prophecies or revelations are equally the word of God which
should be received and obeyed by those they are directed to. God also manifests
His word to us through dreams, visions, trance, audible voice, inward voice and
inward impression.
As we observe in our
time, another major way God manifests His word to us is through divine
revelations. There are people who testify of Jesus appearing to them and giving
them His word for themselves or for others. We have several testimonies of
those who claim the Lord has taken them to heaven and or hell and has sent them
to deliver His message to men on earth. All these fall under prophetic
revelation of the Holy Spirit.
If the word revealed
through these ways is verified to be truly from God, it has the same authority,
power and efficacy with the written word in the Holy Scripture, because God's
word is the same wherever it is spoken and by whomsoever it is spoken.
Obedience to it is obedience to the word of God and disobedience to it is
disobedience to the word of God.
However, there is need for caution on
prophecies and revelation messages. Care must be taken and great caution must
be exercised before accepting a prophecy or a revelation as the word of God
because many of those who claim the Lord has spoken to them are only
making assumption, they are not hundred percent sure. Very often the word they
claim they have received from God is not really from Him, but from their spirit
or mind. Some of these prophets may look sincere, but are ignorant of their
error and misleading spirit.
Thought for the day: there is need for caution on prophecies and
revelation messages
Song for the day: Breath on me (2x), Holy Ghost power, Breath on me...
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