For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Ephesians 5: 22-24
KEY VERSE: Genesis 2: 24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Submission means the act of submitting or yielding to the power or authority of another; obedience, or the spirit of subjection. A lot has been said in the previous section about the wife’s obedience to the husband. Here we are going to talk about the wife submitting her resources to her husband. In many marriages the husband and the wife own their property differently even among Christian couples. And in some cases the wives even struggle to control the family property. This is not biblical and as in every case, anything not done in the will of God results in afflictions and conflicts. The submission of the wife’s resources follows the pattern which God has already set for marriage.
The husband and the wife, the scripture says, are one. Is it their resources that should not be one? “Wives submit yourselves…” Eph.5:22, if you submit yourself, is your property not part of yourself? The wife controlling her property is against the law of God because the husband is the head of the wife and the head is the one controlling the natural body. The wife saying “my car, my money, my house, mine, mine, mine, is an act of rebellion/disobedience and will attract divine judgment.
If God has made them one from the beginning, why are their resources not one? Gen.3:16 tells the wife, “…thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee”. Then the matter is finished, wife. Any action contrary to this word of God is sin. And sin will take to hell fire. Areas of Submission- include – your money, every other property and your body. How this is done must be in total agreement and cordiality with the husband. Anyway it is done without the husband’s total consent is not divinely acceptable and it is sin. 1Cor. 7:4 says, “The wife hath no power of her own body, but the husband…”. Refusal of your body to your husband in sex is sin.
Thought for the day: If God has made them one from the beginning, why are their resources not one?
Song for the day: Bind us together Lord....
Bible reading for the day:
Habakkuk; Revelation 14
TEXT: Ephesians 5: 22-24
KEY VERSE: Genesis 2: 24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Submission means the act of submitting or yielding to the power or authority of another; obedience, or the spirit of subjection. A lot has been said in the previous section about the wife’s obedience to the husband. Here we are going to talk about the wife submitting her resources to her husband. In many marriages the husband and the wife own their property differently even among Christian couples. And in some cases the wives even struggle to control the family property. This is not biblical and as in every case, anything not done in the will of God results in afflictions and conflicts. The submission of the wife’s resources follows the pattern which God has already set for marriage.
The husband and the wife, the scripture says, are one. Is it their resources that should not be one? “Wives submit yourselves…” Eph.5:22, if you submit yourself, is your property not part of yourself? The wife controlling her property is against the law of God because the husband is the head of the wife and the head is the one controlling the natural body. The wife saying “my car, my money, my house, mine, mine, mine, is an act of rebellion/disobedience and will attract divine judgment.
If God has made them one from the beginning, why are their resources not one? Gen.3:16 tells the wife, “…thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee”. Then the matter is finished, wife. Any action contrary to this word of God is sin. And sin will take to hell fire. Areas of Submission- include – your money, every other property and your body. How this is done must be in total agreement and cordiality with the husband. Anyway it is done without the husband’s total consent is not divinely acceptable and it is sin. 1Cor. 7:4 says, “The wife hath no power of her own body, but the husband…”. Refusal of your body to your husband in sex is sin.
Thought for the day: If God has made them one from the beginning, why are their resources not one?
Song for the day: Bind us together Lord....
Bible reading for the day:
Habakkuk; Revelation 14
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