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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
June Thursday 6th

TEXT: Romans 2:1-6
KEY VERSE: Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Some women claim that the trousers they put on are female trousers and the design is different from that of their male counterparts. This puerile argument follows the usual pattern of stubborn sinners who are bent on justifying their sinful conduct. What such people failed to asked themselves is when the culture of women wearing trousers began. Were there different designs of trousers for men and women as lower garment from the beginning? The answer is NO!  No amount of argument can nullify the truth of God or invalidate His Word. Trousers has always been the exclusive lower garment of men while their female counterparts put on skirts. Women never wore trousers. Trousers as a dress emanated from the western world and up till today, even the queen of England would not put it on. Below is a brief historical account of the origin of women wearing trousers as extracted from the internet.

In the Western world, where trousers originated from, women have always worn dresses and skirt-like garments while men have always worn pants (trousers). During the late 1800s, women started to wear pants (trousers) for industrial work. During World War II, women wore their husband's pants while they took on jobs, and in the 1970s, trousers became especially fashionable for women. Today, pants are worn far more often than skirts by women, and many women wear it almost all the time. Although pants for women in western countries did not become fashion items until the later 20th century, women began wearing men's pants (suitably altered) for outdoor work a hundred years earlier.

There is no amount of argument that can justify women wearing trousers, whether it is feminine-designed or not; trousers are strictly for men. Human tradition is not higher than the Word of God.  Some women justify themselves by saying they put on trousers in decent way that does not expose their privacy and they condemn other women for putting on trousers indecently. That is just playing to the gallery because both of them are condemned before God. Only repentance, change and holy living can make them escape hell. 

Thought for the day: It is futile putting up argument against God or His Word.
Song for the day: Years I spent in vanity and pride
Bible reading for the day:
2 Chronicles 20-22; John 16:1-15


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