For taking your time to study remain blessed.
June Monday 17th
TEXT: Judges 4:4- 6
KEY VERSE: Revelation 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee (woman) open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
1 Peter 3:7a Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel. The woman must realize her frame and seek protection and covering by submitting to this instruction. She is said to be a weaker vessel. By nature, some special qualities are built into her by God in creation for desirable service to God and to men. However, Satan takes advantage of these qualities to deceive her, destroy her and use her to destroy others. There are some qualities men possess and service they can render that are peculiar to them. Can a woman be a leader, a pastor? Yes, as we see in Deborah (today’s reading text), she was indeed a leader and a “pastor” but she sought covering from man. She was meek and humble and recognized the authority of men over her.
Apart from submission to her husband for counseling and guidance, the Lord gave a Barak to stand with her. She was sufficiently submissive to man’s authority, though divinely anointed. Similarly, Priscilla in the New Testament was submissive to the authority of her husband with whom she served in the ministry. The world of our time appears to carry the characteristics of Prophetess Deborah’s time. The devil has done great harm to men. Men have fled away from the presence of God. They are scanty in the church. They are given to the world and have abandoned the work of God. The Lord is giving ministries to women to lead the world and the church through the final repentance and revival before the rapture. Let not the way of the women be blocked by traditions and doctrines that are contrary to scripture. It is the Lord who has loosed the knots of scriptural passages many have used to deprive women labourers from entering into the harvest fields of their most loved Lord and Saviour to reap fruit unto eternal life. Now with these scriptural interpretations and open door set before the holy women, let the women go into the Lord’s harvest for the coming of the Lord is at the hand! Amen.
Thought for the day: Let the woman take up the challenge of leadership and serve her God.
Song for the day: To the work! To the work! We are servants of God
Bible reading for the day:
Nehemiah 4-6; Acts 2:14-47
June Monday 17th
TEXT: Judges 4:4- 6
KEY VERSE: Revelation 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee (woman) open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
1 Peter 3:7a Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel. The woman must realize her frame and seek protection and covering by submitting to this instruction. She is said to be a weaker vessel. By nature, some special qualities are built into her by God in creation for desirable service to God and to men. However, Satan takes advantage of these qualities to deceive her, destroy her and use her to destroy others. There are some qualities men possess and service they can render that are peculiar to them. Can a woman be a leader, a pastor? Yes, as we see in Deborah (today’s reading text), she was indeed a leader and a “pastor” but she sought covering from man. She was meek and humble and recognized the authority of men over her.
Apart from submission to her husband for counseling and guidance, the Lord gave a Barak to stand with her. She was sufficiently submissive to man’s authority, though divinely anointed. Similarly, Priscilla in the New Testament was submissive to the authority of her husband with whom she served in the ministry. The world of our time appears to carry the characteristics of Prophetess Deborah’s time. The devil has done great harm to men. Men have fled away from the presence of God. They are scanty in the church. They are given to the world and have abandoned the work of God. The Lord is giving ministries to women to lead the world and the church through the final repentance and revival before the rapture. Let not the way of the women be blocked by traditions and doctrines that are contrary to scripture. It is the Lord who has loosed the knots of scriptural passages many have used to deprive women labourers from entering into the harvest fields of their most loved Lord and Saviour to reap fruit unto eternal life. Now with these scriptural interpretations and open door set before the holy women, let the women go into the Lord’s harvest for the coming of the Lord is at the hand! Amen.
Thought for the day: Let the woman take up the challenge of leadership and serve her God.
Song for the day: To the work! To the work! We are servants of God
Bible reading for the day:
Nehemiah 4-6; Acts 2:14-47
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