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For taking your time to study remain blessed. January 1 TOPIC: JESUS IS THE CAPTAIN AND DEFENDER OF THIS MOVEMENT TEXT: NEHEMIAH 4:1-21 Key Verse: “For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings” Hebrews 2:10. The devil, the enemy of God and all that is righteous and holy, is doing everything possible to hinder the work of God in Holiness Revival Movement. He is raising individuals, congregation and government authorities to fight against this Movement. Great persecutions are building up against our brethren in diverse ways. There are physical assaults. Backslidden churches whose evil secrets are being exposed are fighting back and discrediting our holiness messages. Notable Christian leaders are challenging the revelation experiences and messages being used by this Movement. Witches and wizards, marine kingdom spirits, occult forces etc. are all out in full ...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: PERFECTING HOLINESS IN THE FEAR OF GOD              DECEMBER Monday 31st TEXT: Job 34: 31-32 KEY VERSE:  Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7: 1  Let the HOREMOW members be ready to break every ungodly law and speak freely and openly for Me and I will back them up. By this they will save some. Those in HOREMOW who are still in chains should know that one sin or the other still remains in them that needs confession, repentance, restitution and cleansing of My blood. Let them arise and work out their own salvation quickly, because there is no more time. They must stop compromise of every kind and live as I have prescribed. 14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscie...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: PITY THE SINFUL WORLD             DECEMBER Sunday 30th TEXT: Mark 16: 15-20 KEY VERSE: Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5: 1 Continuation of revelation on America “Tell My children in HOREMOW to pity the world. The world, including America and every other nation is under My feet and under their feet too, as children of God. Tell them I am the One that will pay their debt in America. Let them tell the world loudly and clearly that I have raised HOREMOW up as a vessel of honour to use in saving them from sin through the preaching and practice of true gospel message.” I saw Pastor Paul Rika running from place to place and from one group of people to another with the gospel message and was saving the people. Some people were mocking at him saying, “Is he thinking he can save all the people?”, wh...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: WARNING AGAINST UNGODLY DRESSING AND WORLDLINESS   DECEMBER Saturday 29th TEXT: Exodus 33: 4-6 KEY VERSE: In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 1 Timothy 2: 9 The Lord said, “I hate seeing jewelries (earrings, rings, nose rings, chains, bracelets, beads, etc....) in the body of My people. I hate seeing women using trousers, pants/ slacks. I hate seeing My creature going about in nakedness. Did the trouser/ pants actually protect the women from cold? Do these keep the women using them from dying? Warn your children not to submit themselves to learn the wicked curriculum enforced in schools. Let the children reject those evil lessons without timidity or fear. Do you know that believers have power to bind or loose on earth and heaven will establish it? Why are you afraid to make decrees against these sin...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: RATIONAL USE OF LAPTOPS, IPADS AND HANDSETS IN CHURCH    DECEMBER Thursday 27th TEXT: Daniel 12: 3-4 KEY VERSE: And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2: 2 QUESTION: Is it right as a man of God to use laptop or phone for preaching on the pulpit instead of Bible? Secondly, is it right for members to use them in the church? ANSWER: Well, every preacher should study his environment. There is an environment that you can do that and nobody will be offended. It is not a sin to you; but there is an environment that you can do that and the people will be offended at you and you have done the wrong thing. So, know your environment. Essentially, there is no sin in using them there but if you come to a congregation of ignorant people who don’t know that there is no sin there and you are pricking their conscience, you are making them to commit ...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: AVOID WORLDLINESS IN WORSHIP              DECEMBER Friday 28th TEXT: Romans 8: 5-8 KEY VERSE: God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4: 24 The carnal nature of man is the seat of pride and pleasure. It cannot be subjected to the principles of righteousness and holiness. In the world, men indulge in all forms of fleshly pleasure to satisfy their pride and passions. In the world, men worship their belly and money. Worldliness has now taken a seat in the church. Those who come to the church do not have God in focus. Many worldly activities have been incorporated into worship to satisfy the passion of the worshippers. The songs they sing carry worldly styles and inspiration; the music they play ministers to the flesh and fills the worship service with the wildest form of ungodly dance in demonstration of the pleasure of the flesh. The musicians are ...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: WEARING OF TROUSERS FORBIDDEN FOR WOMEN    DECEMBER Wednesday 26th TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5: 21-23 Key verse: The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 22: 5 QUESTION: Why is it that the Bible emphasizes that women are not to wear trouser? ANSWER: Generally, every sex, male or female has clothes fitting for him or her and the Lord demands that we should be properly covered so that we don’t affect the righteousness of our neighbor. Thou shall love your neighbor as yourself and the bible says let every man see that he does not lay a stumbling block on the way of His neighbor. When a woman puts on that which belongs to a man, she will lack the proper covering required for her body building. Some sensitive parts of her body will appear and that will affect another person in his morality, in hi...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: JESUS IS LORD AND SAVIOUR              DECEMBER Tuesday 25th TEXT: Isaiah 9: 6-7 KEY VERSE: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1: 23 Angels were sent to herald the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind. Jesus came to save man from eternal damnation of hell fire. Today generality of Christians worldwide commemorate the coming of our Redeemer into this sinful world for the salvation of man. The birth of Jesus was of great excitement to the angels. The deplorable state of men on earth under the rule of Satan had been a concern. Now the Lord Himself had come down for the salvation of men! A mighty host of angels were seen by the shepherds praising God. We need to learn something here from the angelic praise: They praised God by uttering distinct words to the edification of ...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: SECRETS OF FRUITFUL SOUL WINNING              DECEMBER Monday 24th TEXT: John 4: 34-38 KEY VERSE: The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11: 30 QUESTION: Can a believer who did not win any soul despite the evangelism efforts make it to heaven? ANSWER:  I think your problem is that you go about evangelism without wisdom because the Bible says he that winneth souls is wise. You are not applying wisdom in soul winning otherwise if you are wise and go out for evangelism in the way you say it you will win souls. Which are the various ways of winning souls? Winning souls is like catching fishes from the river and there are various methods to be used in fishing. Use various methods and you will succeed: Get materials and send them out, some of these materials are very effective. Get them and send them out. Buy them, with one hundred naira (N100),...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: GOD PROMISES TO BE WITH HIS FAITHFUL CHILDREN                DECEMBER Sunday 23rd TEXT: Matthew 28: 18-20 Key Verse: For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city. Acts 18: 10 Continuation of revelation on America I answered, “Lord, You must be with us and help us”. He said, “If I am not with you, will I have told you all these? Many are called, but few are chosen. I have been raising people to change America, but the laws are too strong for them. I am telling you people these things so that you will know that many preachers have been drowned in this country. I have even raised people from other nations to come and change America, but when they came here, they were overcome by the power of the dollar and the deceitful pleasures in this land. But you must be bold. Despise the dollar. Boldly declare the gospel of truth to the people. Wake...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: THE PLACE OF DENOMINATIONS IN ONGOING REVIVAL OF HOLINESS  DECEMBER Saturday 22nd TEXT: Ephesians 4: 1-6 Key verse: Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4: 3 Again we notice what God is doing, because in case you think this thing is left in the hands of CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria) or PFN (Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria). No, it is not left in their hands. It is in the hands of the living God. If it is left in the hands of CAN, it will be ecumenical kind of gathering that you gather as a crowd. No, It is a spiritual thing. God is doing it Himself. In our days we see the Lord making appearances to people, taking people to Heaven, taking them to Hell, and resurrecting this scriptural truth so that when these ones go and see and hear divine eternal truth, they come back and relay their testimonies to us. When we hear them as they relay their testimonies, we see the scriptures...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: COME TO JESUS WITH YOUR BURDEN  DECEMBER Friday 21st TEXT: Matthew 11: 28-30 Key verse: Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5: 7 The eye of God has identified you. God has seen the burden you carry and the weight of that burden. What you carry is heavy; you need someone to help you; to lift the burden from your head. Only God can do that for you. He is inviting you to come to Him with your burden and find rest for your soul. God is a lover, a concerned Father. He bids you to come. There are things in your life that give you pains, discomfort, sorrow, shame, fear and the lack of peace. You desire solution to them; you think about them; you discuss with those close to you about them; you cry under their heavy weight. These are burdens in your life which God want you to bring to Him. These burdens may include the weight of your sinful life. Sin, when it is committed becomes a heavy weight in the hea...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: IS IT MANDATORY FOR A SISTER TO COVER HER HAIR ALWAYS?    DECEMBER Thursday 20th TEXT: 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16 KEY VERSE: Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 1 Corinthians 11: 13 QUESTION: Should a woman always cover her hair, even when walking on the street? Is it right even though you have plaited or weaved your hair? Maybe like me, ordinary days I always cover my hair, I cover my hair everywhere I am going to. So they are saying that is not holiness because air is not going in my hair and that even when I plait it I should open my hair and I should always be covering it in the church. So is a right for a Christian lady to cover her hair even in the street and also in the church? ANSWER: A woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered, dishonoreth her head. The emphasis here is on worship and prayer in the church service. My house shall be called the house of prayer. So when ...
For talking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: COUNSEL TO WEALTHY CHRISTIANS                          DECEMBER Wednesday 19th TEXT: Jeremiah 9: 23-24 KEY VERSE: The blessings of the LORD, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10: 22 The Lord is the One that makes His children rich in this world. He gives the power, privilege, wisdom and grace to make wealth to His children. Not all are materially rich as we can see in the scripture and in our present day. However in the body of Christ, there are brethren who are financially and materially rich. God is the giver and taker of riches. When riches and wealth are handled well, they glorify God. However, when material riches and wealth are not subjected to the word of God in their uses and management, they result in all kinds of miseries and the everlasting damnation of hell fire. Do not serve money or riches; instead serve the Lord your God. Do...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: TESTIMONY OF SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION              DECEMBER Tuesday 18th TEXT: Psalm 107: 1-9 KEY VERSE: Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107: 8 One day, as I was about going to workers meeting, I saw some people dragging a mad woman towards my house. I saw that one of them was a location pastor. I asked what the matter was and as he was giving me explanation, many people were staring at us. I told them to enter the vehicle and we headed for the Church. We prayed for her and she showed some relief. The woman that never ate food now ate food and drank water. The people that came with the woman didn’t eat food since that morning because the woman had troubled them a lot. Having gotten relief, she slept off in the Church. The people that brought her went to eat around 8:00 pm. When I returned home, the two people that bro...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: IS IT ONLY 144,000 THAT SHALL MAKE HEAVEN?              DECEMBER Monday 17th TEXT: Revelation 14: 1-20 KEY VERSE: And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. Revelation 14: 5 QUESTION: Is it true that only 144000 are going to heaven, the people that did not defile themselves, those that were already selected from the foundation of the earth? ANSWER: The 144000 refers to the Jews during the great tribulation, it is not talking about generality of saints because already, great multitudes of saints are in heaven, in addition to many more that will still make it to heaven; people will still be saved during the great tribulation although it shall be very hard. The Bible tells us there will be the ministry of two witnesses that shall be going from place to place all over the world preaching this gospel. We are also told of the angel flying through the ...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: A SIMPLE PRAYER SCHEDULE (Part two)      DECEMBER Sunday 16th TEXT: 1 Timothy 2: 1-6 KEY VERSE: Peter therefore was kept in prisons but prayer was made without ceasing of the Church to God for him. Acts 12: 5 7. Pray for Your Relations. You want them to know Jesus. You want them to go to heaven. You want them to be protected. Pray that the Lord will bless them. 8. Pray for Your Education, Profession, Business and Work Place. Pray that God will be with you and help you always. Cast your cares upon Him. Ask Him to open the door of success and achievement. Ask Him to keep you righteous and holy every day. 9. Pray for Your Christian Leaders. Pray for your pastors for grace to do this work. Pray for the Church members. Pray for other Churches that they will live the holy life. 10.  Pray for Your Secular Leaders. Pray for the kings, the executive, legislative, judiciary and the whole nation for peace to reign. 1...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: BE NOT PARTAKER IN OTHER PEOPLE’S SINS    DECEMBER Saturday 15th TEXT: Genesis 38: 13-23 KEY VERSE: Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. 1 Timothy 5: 22 QUESTION: Is it good for a Christian tailor to collect trousers from an unbeliever for an amendment or sew an open-back or show-breast dress for unbelievers. Is it proper? What you have been teaching us is in agreement with Genesis 3:21; that place talk about the purpose why God made clothing; that is, to cover the nakedness of man. If you look at today you discover that we are in the changing world and it seems that most believers are changing with the changing world most especially in this area of our dressing standard. So I want us to still see much on that area because personally it disturbs my heart. ANSWER: Sister it is not proper to do so. I appreciate this type of question. Should the seamstress and tailors s...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: THE WITNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT              DECEMBER Friday 14th TEXT: Hebrews 11: 1-3 KEY VERSE: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10: 27 He is very sure of the voice of the Holy Spirit and is ready to go full length with it.  John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. He is assured in his spirit and lives in the reality of the witness of the Holy Spirit. Faith therefore is the assurance of heart developed by the righteous man because he is convinced that God will answer him. It is the heart’s conviction that as long as what he desires is covered by God’s promises, he has it. The faith of the just makes him to rejoice and appreciate God with thanksgiving; believing that it has been done already. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.  He is convinced that it has been done. ...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: SHOULD A BELIEVER MARRY AN UNBELIEVER?              DECEMBER Thursday 13th TEXT: 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18 KEY VERSE: Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6: 17 QUESTION: Abraham asked his servant to go to his homeland and find a wife for Isaac, knowing that Abraham’s relations were idol worshippers. Why did Abraham order the servant to go to his home and marry whereas they were sinners? ANSWER: Abraham was in the land of Canaan and Canaan was cursed by Noah, and their lives were terrible. If you heard the complaint of Rebecca about the wives of Esau, she said, let not Jacob marry among the Canaanites. But the family of Abraham knew the living God; they had idea; they knew the living God; in a way they served the living God, except that they also worshipped idols. So they were not like these p...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: WHAT ABOUT LUST AFTER THE OPPOSITE SEX?                DECEMBER Wednesday 12th TEXT: 2 Samuel 11: 1-5 KEY VERSE: I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? Job 31: 1 Your mind just goes off and hooks to a lady. It hooks so hard that when you turn this way, it turns with you. Have mosquitoes troubled you before? Apart from mosquitoes, there is this other small flying insect in the bush that is worse than mosquitoes. It pesters you so much that, if you are not careful, it will enter your nose, your eyes, and even your nose. If you hit it this way, it goes that way; each way you turn, it follows you till you get upset. That’s how lust can grip you! “What is happening to me? I have my wife, but what is happening to me now? You will be wondering. Go to God in prayer. God will root out that lust. Why should it bring you to shame? Why should you be hypocritical in your...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: A SIMPLE PRAYER SCHEDULE (Part one)      DECEMBER Tuesday 11th TEXT: Psalms 91: 1-2 KEY VERSE: Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4: 6 1. Praise, worship and give thanks to God for His virtues, attributes and works in your life, in the church, in His children, in the ministers and in the world. Give thanks to Him in everything and for everything. 2. Pray for Yourself. You need prayers to be holy and to overcome temptations. You need prayers to succeed in all your ways. You need prayer for the sufficient grace of God in your life. You need prayer to serve God well and make it to heaven. You need prayers for friends, relations, office and business. 3. Pray for Your Wife/Husband. If you are married, pray that the grace of God will be sufficient for your spouse. Pray that God will open his/her eyes to know the tr...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: STEPS TO THE NEW LIFE    DECEMBER Monday 10th TEXT: Mark 8: 36-38 KEY VERSE: Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3: 20 God desires to give you a new life of righteousness and holiness. The following are what you are to do if you want the new life God desires to give you: (1). Desire to receive this new life from God (2). Humble yourself to take whatever action God demands of you (3). Reject your present evil and sinful life which does not give you peace and joy, but restlessness and fear of eternal damnation (4). Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and willingly submit your life to Him for this new life (5). Determine from now not to go back to your sinful life (6). Determine that you will join yourself to those who are truly serving the living God, so that you will grow in Christ (7). Refuse t...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: BELIEVE GOD, HOPING AGAINST HOPE.      DECEMBER Sunday 9th TEXT: Ezekiel 37: 2-10 KEY VERSE: Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. Genesis 18:14. God can look at a very contrary situation of your life and just throw a promise for you to reverse it, a promise that if you are not bold, you will not believe it; a promise that if you are not really prepared and convinced in your heart of the Omnipotence of God, you will doubt it. He can give you an unbelievable promise in a completely dry situation. That is your God. Abraham believed God hoping against hope. It was not naturally possible, but he believed God contrary to human reasoning. If you want difficult situations and circumstances to change, you must believe God in a difficult way. That is how you will live and see the miracle of God on your way. Definitely, wi...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: CHRIST’S MESSAGE TO TRUE BELIEVERS      DECEMBER Saturday 8th TEXT: Genesis 6: 8-12 KEY VERSE: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11: 12 Tell My people in Holiness Revival Movement here to take Christianity by force. They must be bold and fearless. Sinners get into their sins boldly and fearlessly. How much more My children! They must not confess Me and My holiness in the mouth only, but go all out for Me and My word among My people. Denominational churches have been splitted by their diver’s laws which have inhibited them in serving Me and working fruitfully for Me. I have raised up Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMW), a non-denominational ministry which is not governed by these denominational laws and principles, to do My will in this end time. I did this to get people come to Me for their salvation. Don’t do...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: GET RID OF JEALOUSY      DECEMBER Friday 7th TEXT: James 4: 2-3 KEY VERSE: Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12: 21 Envy and jealousy are common among Christians and Christian ministers. Nobody envies a rich man more than a rich man, because he does not want anybody to measure up to him; he wants to be the only focus of attention and object of honour and reverence in the society. Satan knows that envy and jealousy kill the righteous; it burns through the heart of the righteous; it defiles the righteousness of the righteous. A story was told how Satan sent his aides after a righteous man to make him backslide. They tried all possible tricks but the man would not fall. They used money, they used all kinds of things but the man never fell. Then they came back to Satan and said, “Sir, that man is righteous. We did everything we know to do but the man never fell.”  Satan said, “Follow m...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: MANNERS OF PRAYER       DECEMBER Thursday 6th TEXT: 1 Timothy 2: 1-3 KEY VERSE: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Ephesians 6: 18 i. Private and Public Prayer Pray with all fervency. Enter into your closet and pray. Find a secluded place and pray. But you can also pray publicly in the midst of others. ii. Pray with Fasting Pray with fasting, for Jesus said, “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Add fasting to your prayer, because there are problems that cannot be solved in your life or in the life of people you are interceding for, except by fasting. There are victories that can never be won without adding fasting to your prayer. Fasting can be likened to when a bulldozer is brought in to pull down a strong tree, which normal prayer strength could not do. iii. Pray in Vigils and R...
For taking your time to study remain blessed. TOPIC: PERFUMES AND BODY SPRAYS ARE NOT FOR HOLY CHRISTIANS DECEMBER Wednesday 5th TEXT: Romans 1: 28-32 KEY VERSE: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1: 28 QUESTION: If someone has a body odour and the person knows that to use perfume is a sin, he goes for medication and the doctor recommends the use of perfume, to stop the body odour. What is your advice? ANSWER: Is it that the use of perfume will stop the body odour? Now, what do you want to achieve by putting on this unnatural thing? Another person may say, I told the doctor that my hair has fallen off and the doctor said, go and wear weavon. Will you wear weavon and you say, the doctor recommended it? Some other people say the doctor recommend whisky for them! Doctor recommend immorality for them to solve their back problem! What a gre...