God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
Key verse: 1 Peter 3: 3 "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or putting on of apparel.”
Christ is the Head of the man and man is the image and glory of God. The man is the head of the woman and the woman is his glory. During worship: prayer, prophesying, or preaching, the man should not cover his head. During this formal period, Christ is the One in headship and God's glory is to be seen. If a man covers his head at this period it shows he has covered the headship of Christ and the glory of God. During this formal period, man is not in focus, he is not in headship and the glory is not his but God's, hence his headship and glory are to be covered.
This is visibly done by the veil on the woman's head. Angels who minister to the saints during worship expect submission to this rule by Christ's followers. Outside this formal period, the wearing of any kind of veil by man is not an offence as long as it befits a believer and does not transgress the law of decency. Similarly, outside this formal period, the woman is n o t under obligation to be veiled. This is because her long hair "Is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering."
Covering her head with a veil is only required during worship, after which she is at liberty to leave her head uncovered by a veil. Her hair could be seen on her to her glory in her normal living. Her hairdo must be decent and befitting to a believer. She must avoid hairdo that changes her hair from the natural to unnatural. That will be lying against the truth and grieving the Holy Spirit. She must not plait gold or items of beauty and fashion into her hair. She should avoid the use of jewelry and dressing for show.
Thought for the day: Covering with a veil by women is only required during worship activities.
Song for the day: I am married to Jesus, Satan leave me alone
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 43-44; 2 Peter 2
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