God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: ACTS 4:17-20
KEY VERSE: Acts 4: 20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.
Open your mouth because you have a Father. God supported the three Hebrew children. The marriage that brought you together can end at any time. When the king of Babylon, Belshazzar, promised Daniel the position of being the third in command if he interpreted the writing he saw on the wall, Daniel did interpret the dream but told him to keep his gifts. The kingdom was taken away from the king, who died that night. What can your husband do? How long will he live that you want to give up Jesus for him? He can suddenly die in an accident or through any other cause. You can’t give Jesus up for mortal men. Please do not allow the fear of men to stop you from speaking about Jesus to him.
When the disciples were asked by what name the sick were healed, they replied, “By the name of Jesus, whom you crucified. Neither is any other name, under heaven, by which man should be saved, except by the name of Jesus.” They shivered, saying, these people are bold; they have been with Jesus. The Lord is helping us train bold and courageous women, who will stand for Jesus and ignore the power of rebellious men. Be not bothered by the threats of your husband or your parents. Must you go to school or be married before you go to heaven? Have you not seen people come out successfully from marriage and make it to heaven? After being married for only seven years. Anna, stayed unmarried until she was eighty-four. She spent many years loving and serving the Lord in fasting and prayers in the temple, and she eventually embraced Jesus. Do you not want to embrace Jesus in heaven? Please know God well, so you will not give that much value to marriage. You may say, what will I do with my children? Jesus said, if anyone would come to me and will not forsake self, spouse, children, property, he is not fit to be my disciple:
Thought for the day: The hairs on your head are numbered
Song for the day: He has promised and He will never fail…
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 10-12; Hebrews 11:1-19
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