God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
Key verse: Deuteronomy 5: 33 Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.
The Bible is in your hand for complete obedience. God demands our total submission and complete obedience to His word. He has made this possible on the cross when Jesus died. Jesus died to bring the grace for total, complete, wholesome obedience and full righteousness to man. So, God is demanding complete obedience from man. In His instruction to the children of Israel, He demanded that they observe to do all His commandments. All, not some. The statutes and judgments talk about the word, which is pure, clean, perfect, sure, right, true, and righteous altogether. Harken to the word; obey and do the word. Do not reduce it, do not exaggerate it, and do not fail to keep it. Anything other than total obedience is no obedience
You shall walk in all the ways. Did God show you 10 ways? Walk in all of them. Did He show you up to 50 ways? Walk in all of them not in 49. Everything is shown in scripture, every aspect of the Christian life: matters of righteousness, living in love and peace, praying, having faith in God, service of God, tithes payment, etcetera. Walk in all the ways that He has shown you to walk in. Walk in all of the ways that He commanded, that ye may live eternal life, not living in the world. As for living in the world, you are still alive up to now but for spiritual life and eternal life, that ye may live. That ye may live and that it may be well with you.
You will not have a problem with this life since you do not have a problem with God; that it may be well with you and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess. You will prolong your days. You will live to the fullness of your day in the presence of God. Do not fail in one. Do all, for all your days, not for some parts. At some point in your life, you are strong and well, powerful in Christ, righteous and holy but then, as days prolong you start to relax and become lukewarm. He said, “No”! It should be for all your days. All the word for all your days that it might be well with you and that it might be well with your Christian life.
Thought for the day: The bible is in your hand for complete obedience.
Song for the day: The B-I-B-L-E, is good enough for me…
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 24-26; James 3
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