Gods blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
TEXT: DANIEL 5: 24-28
KEY VERSE: Daniel 5: 27 “TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.”
Pastor Paul Rika began by saying, “The word of God says, “I rebuke the Methodist Church. You are out of My way. I am about to spue you out of My mouth. I hear the sound of your worship but I cannot see through to those worshipping because you are covered with darkness of sin and evil. Methodist, you are full of pride. If you really want to recover from your spiritual bankruptcy and wretchedness, I counsel you to associate yourselves with HOREMOW, where you will learn My true word for your righteousness and holiness. Don’t look down on HOREMOW. I raised this Ministry up this end time as a spiritual guide for all churches in the world. Many of your members, who have died came to realize this too late for themselves. If you refuse to humble yourselves to obey My instruction, your members alive today will also come to realize this when it is too late for them.
I decided to give this message to you at the grass root and not to your top leaders because they have left My way and gone into various sins. Methodists, sin is smelling among you. Repent lest I spue you out of my mouth. Know that when I came to the world as a human being, I went to the common people, not to the Pharisees who were the corrupt leaders; full of vain glory. I did not relate this to My daughter in plain language but put it in unknown writing because she is not holy before Me. She and her husband have faults which they have to settle with Me. Their work is not perfect before Me. They will not have the boldness to declare this word fully, due to fear of accusation from others. This shows you the kinds of pastors you have over you. I have directed the writing to Pastor Paul Rika as the only one in the World to read and make the message known to you. This is not for his pride but to let you know that I have chosen him to make you and others in the Churches know My word of truth, righteousness and holiness in this end time of backsliding and darkness.
Thought for the day: HOREMOW has brought many sinners to the Lord.
Song for the day: Some years ago, God brought me to HOREMOW…
Bible reading for the day: Isaiah 19-21; Ephesians 2
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